Chapter 9

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Lauren's POV

After being discharged from the hospital, I got permission from her foster home to take her home for dinner. I'm beyond nervous. What if my parents don't like her? She's cute, how can't you not? But what if Camila hates me after I ask her to adopt Sarah with me? This is all so confusing.

Some times I wish I never went to that art gallery, but if I didn't go chances are that Sarah wouldn't have made it out. I know Camila and Ally would have because of Ally's navigating skills. She's smart and calm at times like that. I wonder where she learned it.

Here we are, Dinah driving me, Ally, Camila, and Sarah to my house for dinner. After leaving the hospital I called Dinah and told her the plan, although she teased me for having feelings for Camila, I was glad she was willing to help.

"And we're here!" Dinah shouted from the driver seat, disturbing me from my thoughts. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Camila hold Sarah's hand. I can literally feel my heart melt at the sight.

"Let's get out of this stinky car." I teased, Dinah gasped and smack my arm. "How dare you insult my child like that!" She shouted jokingly. We heard Sarah giggling at our interaction in the back seat. I turned around and saw her brightly smile as I looked at her, "ready to go inside cupcake?" She nodded excitedly and Dinah unlocked the doors.

I got out of the car and quickly opened Camila's door, helping her get out. She lifted Sarah and we all headed towards my front door. "Okay let's set some rules, Dinah you're always at my house, but as usual no swearing in front of Sarah or my family," Dinah gave me a smirk before I continued, "and guys please no bringing up the fire. I really just want to enjoy tonight without everything turning all depressing." I added. They all nodded. Sarah looked around to see everyone else nodding, so she did the same. God that child is adorable.

I opened the front door and let everyone in. To my surprise, the table was already set. "Come in, come in. I'm so happy everyone made it tonight!" My mom shouted as she ran towards Camila and gave her a hug. She went around giving everyone a hug and stopped at Sarah, she kneeled down to Sarah's height and pushed a strand of the little girl's hair behind her ear. "Hi sweetie, what's your name?" She asked.

Sarah seemed beyond happy to have all eyes on her, "I'm Sarah!" She shouted happily. My mom seemed to love Sarah already. We all walked over and sat at the table waiting for the rest of my family to come down. Once I saw Taylor heading down the stairs towards us, I realized that I haven't spoken to her since our little incident. I got up and went to give her a hug, surprisingly she wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered into my ear. I could hear her cry. I pulled her out and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead, "its okay. Let's pretend it never happened. Love you." She smiled brightly and walked back over to the table with me.

We all waited patiently for Chris to come down. Once everyone was settled in, we began passing the food around. And oh boy, it looked amazing.

"So Camila, what are you studying?" My dad asked as he broke the silence. The question caught Camila off guard, when she was meant to answer her mouth was stuffed with peas. She harshly swallowed and looked up to see everyone at the table was staring at her. She looked at me then smiled, "I'm actually a part time English teacher. I need my history credit to be full time."

My dad raised his eyebrow and smirked, he seemed to he impressed, "only if Lauren was that cool." He answered. I heard everyone laughing, but my mom smacked him, "Mike, be nice." She scolded. Which caused everyone to laugh even more.

"How about you Ally? What are you studying?" My mom asked, once again breaking the peaceful silence. Ally looked up and her cheeks flared red. "Honestly, I don't know. This may sound unamusing but I want to be a singer. I just love to sing and write songs." She answered.

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