~ Chapter 4 ~

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~ Henry ~

I tugged at my dark brown hair as the annoyance of the Spanish ambassador presence. I sat on my throne as he spill excuse after excuse for the Spaniards action. It was clear they we're in need of alliance from the French Army, but I was no need of an alliance. Especially with the Spanish after what happened during my divorce from Catherine.

Though my mind was on something or should I say someone else. I was taking back when I seen my wife's younger sister, Elizabeth. Her Anjelica voice rang through my ears.

She has changed so differently since she was last at my court. Her beauty is no like I have seen before. Her dark hair shined in the suns presences. Along with her deep blue crystal eyes. Her tall yet petite stature was memorizing to me.

" Your Majesty?" A voice questioned. Calling me out of my deep thoughts. I looked up to see the ambassador with a confused worrisome look on his pale face. " I will need some time to dwell on the offer, now may you excuse me." I did not even bother for
a response as I stood from my throne making my way out of the room.

I made my way to my private chambers. I had a servant go and collect Lady Jane. I needed to get Elizabeth Boleyn out of my head and maybe in bed with my mistress will do the trick.

"Your majesty." Mistress Seymour purred with a curtsy entering my chambers. I was already on my bed awaiting her presence. " You may leave us now." I spoke dismissing my henchmen from the room.

"Come here, Jane." I demanded holding my hand out for her.


~ Elizabeth ~

Charles left me once we reached the doors to the Queens private quarters. I was hesitant to place a knock, for my head dare not to phantom at the thought of the state my sister is in. From her letter it sounded like her mentality was slipping from her grasp.

I gathered the courage I had and placed a loud, yet gently knock on the door. After a few moments a young girl peeled the door open slowly. Based on her formal attire it was one of my sisters laddies.

" Lady Elizabeth, I presume?" She asked in a quiet voice. I nodded in response to her appending question. " Is the Queen up for a visitor?" I asked my own question.

" Yes, M'i Lady, especially for your visitation. She has been asking if you have arrived since the early morning." The young girl spoke before moving a side to let me enter. I nodded toward her before slowly walking in.

The room was dark as the windows were covered by silk curtains. Most of my sister laddies were gathered around the roaring fire working on their embroidery.

Though when my presence was known they perked their heads up before setting aside their activity. They quickly stood up before giving me a small curtsy. " M'i Lady." The spoke in unison.

I gave them all a small nod before proceeding into my sisters chambers. My heart broke at the scene before my eyes. My sister was so pale and fragile, laying almost lifeless on the bed. Her eyes wondered into her own imagination.

" Anne?" I quietly spoke not bothering to use her formality name. Her eyes barley moved as she laid gaze upon my figure. Her eyes perked of sadness rather than happiness.

" Elizabeth? You finally came." She shallowly spoke out, beckoning my over with the flick of her wrist. 

I carefully laid at the end of the bed as I spoke. " why wouldn't I Anne? You need me, so of course I came." I held on to her leg in a comforting manner. She just ignored my words shrugging them off.

After sometime in deep silence she spoke up once more. " Did you here? It was a boy, Lizzie. I lost the child that would secure my position and our family's."tears streamed down her face at the truthful thought.

" Anne, I can assure you there still time for you to give the King a son. You must have faith in god." I tried to relieve the pain that my dear sister held.

"I believe god has disowned me, my dear sister." Anne whispered before closing her eyes slowly. Before I was able to spread my thoughts to her a young child voice ranged throughout the quarters. "Mama!"

A smile plastered on my face. I would recognize that two year olds voice anywhere. I walked out of my sister chamber to the living space to be greeted by my niece Elizabeth.

" Oh, Elizabeth!" I shirked kneeling down opening my arms to her. The face of recognition dawned on her as she ran towards me.

"Aunty" she yelled in joy wrapping her small body with mine. I picked her and placed her on my hip.

" How are you, my sweet Elizabeth?" I questioned  hugging her small body gently. It has been some months since I last seen her and I have deeply missed my niece.

" Where's mama?" She asked ignoring my question as her desire to see her mother was more important. My heart broke, as I did not wished to break her small heart.

" Mama is resting Elizabeth, how about we go make our way to the garden and play for awhile. Then I'm sure Mama will be awake by then and you can see her."  I tried to compromised knowing my sister was in no state to have visitation from her daughter.

I looked up to see Lady Bryan my niece governess, along with two nannies behind her. " You may excuse us Lady Bryan. I will retune the Princess Elizabeth to you before end of day." She gave my a small nod before both her and the nannies curtsied, departing from the room.

" What do you say, Elizabeth?" I asked the young girl in my arms once more. Her only reasons was a quicken head nod followed by a huge smile on her face.

" I take that as a yes."


Hey Readers 👋,

I hope you enjoyed Chapter Four!!!!!

I was planning on posting this chapter yesterday, but didn't get the chance too.

How do you like the book so far? Would you like anything specific to happen in this story? —————->

Btw more spicy and drama content will be happening in future chapters :)

Bye for now!

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