~ Chapter 15 ~

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~ Elizabeth ~

"Your Grace." The guard at the entrance of the tower spoke. Giving me a small head bow.

"Is the Queen receiving audiences at this time?" I asked the guard. He nodded his head giving me a response. "Yes, her Majesty has been up since dawn awaiting for your arrival."  I nodded in response . Walking  on through the gate.

As I walked through the courtyard of the tower, I seen multiple footman preparing the scaffold. Even the executioner was there sharpening his blade. The one I'm sure would be used to slice off my sisters neck in only a mere hour.

I continued on. Making my way inside, going up the multiple steps of stairs to the entrance of my sisters quarters. There were two guards standing on either side of the door. Both there heads were titled downwards as they looked at their feet.

"I'm here to see the Queen." I spoke up drawing there attention.

"Who is regarding to see the Queen?" One of them spoke in an annoyed tone. Clearly not knowing who I was."Her sister, The Duchess of Clarence." I gave them a smirky response. I watched as there facial  expression went from annoyed to worried.

"Sorry, your Majesty. We did not know it was you." They stood up from there leaning position on the wall to a standing position. Giving me a small head bow.

"It isn't, your Majesty. Not yet any ways. Now may I please enter? I would very much like to see my sister before her head is cut off." They both gave me a nod as one opens the door for me. "Thank you." I spoke before entering.

The room was dark and chilly. Goose bumps formed instantaneously on my arms as I walked farther into the room. Nothing could be heard through the quarters besides small whispers.

I followed the whispers tell I came face to face with my sister and two of her laddies. My sister was sitting down at the vanity in the room as her laddies fixed up her hair.

My presences was not knowing as they were busy in their own world. I stood there taking in my sisters appearance. Her eyes held bags underneath them. Showing just how mental and physical tired she was.

Her skin was pale as a ghost, most likely do to the lack of being outdoors in the sun. Her body has gone thin. Her eyes painted with nothing. As if life had already been drained from her soul.

After a few moments she made eye contact with me through the mirror. She took in a deep breath before speaking. "Laddies, please leave us be for a moment." She turned to face her laddies.

They nodded giving her a small curtsy making there way towards me. They gave a curtsy to me as well before leaving the room.

Anne stood up making her way over to two mahogany chairs next to the roaring fire. She took a seat gesturing me with her hand to take the other seat.

I carefully walked over, gently sitting down. Her eyes stared me down, like an eagle looking at its prey.

After some moments in silence I decided to speak up. "I know what you must think of me, but Anne you must believe me. There was no other way. I didn't want to betray y-." She helped her hand up silencing me in the mist of my sentence.

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