Chapter 4: The Hunt Begins

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Smoke in the distance. She smelled it earlier and she saw it as she and her men came up over the grassy hill. Several yards away one of their mobile bases was in ruins fire, smoke, and death> Troopers lay dead in the distance her clan. . .their clan slaughtered.

One of her rangers approached her waiting for orders

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One of her rangers approached her waiting for orders. "Orders? Captain Flameheart?"

 "Orders? Captain Flameheart?"

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Before she turned to face him she wiped a tear away from her face. She couldn't be crying in front of her men. She needed to stand strong. They would figure out how to come back from this. She turned to face him.

"Sweep the area this is probably Hektor and Wurz

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"Sweep the area this is probably Hektor and Wurz. Check the cells and the bodies they might have freed that crazy bitch we picked up weeks ago."

"Yes, sir!" The ranger replied. Running off to his group. She had 21 rangers under her command. They needed to be careful she wasn't about to lose more of her men.

3 Hours Later.

She entered the main control room of the base. Three of her rangers were working on fixing the base and checking the screens. "Status report?"

"Generators fried. Two of the backup generators are running but the a lot of damge. Take months to repair." Ranger-320 (Destiny-320) said.

"We don't have months. We need to catch these bastards." With that said, Ranger-350 (Molly-350) entered the room Athena turned to her, "Cells?"



"No," Molly-350 answered back.


Running into the room almost stumbling. Barely managing a salute Rebekah-123. "Captain Athena! We found-"

"Father?" She already knew.

"Yes, do you want to-"

"No," She hated that man. He had raised her and turned her into a killer. Her old man like to say it was for her protection to help her be strong. She wanted to be loved and be herself not a warrior. But now being one she knew almost all the ways to kill and take life, and she has killed before. She at first hated killing, each time it was hard, she thought it would get easier but it doesn't it gets harder each time.

"Pile him with the dead. I don't care. Burn the corpses if the Bloodthirsty ever makes it to this region they won't be able to use ash." The room was silent she turned to stare at the console. Then an idea. "Do we have any aircraft?" Finally getting to the task at hand. Surprisingly she didn't cry she managed to keep her tough girl act on.

"One helio still operational." Destiny-320 replied."

Great. She thought, "How many can it fit?" But she already knew the answer. "7," Molly-350 replied. It wasn't combat-ready or outfitted for combat it was for transporting small cargo and scouting. If they took it and if an air fight ensued they would be dead for sure. "Do we know where they went?"

Molly-350 answered, "As you ordered we swept the area I did order the twins Chelsea-777 and Crystal-616 to scout surrounding region south of here. The traitors took most of our aircraft killed our men and took the other mobile base. We would've gotten word from our ally parties at Alpha Island if they landed anywhere in that region. We believe they headed to the Arctis."

Fuck, that was where that bitch wanted to go. "We need to stop them." Athena began, "Whatever the fuck that Clan Catha witch, Morri, wanted is in the Arctis. We don't want her or Hektor and Wurz getting it. Molly, Destiny, and Rebekah are with me I want all the other girls and guys to focus on getting this place operational. Send the twins to get word to Alpha Island and to Typhon Vex if we get his support in our clan feud we will surely crush these traitors for their betrayal and dishonor."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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