Chapter 3: Breakthrough

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The Righteous and Xeno forces stood in a line. Beatrix stepped forward looking behind her. Facing the men. I need to rally the troops, "It was in a battle that the original captain died. No one asked me if I wanted to be captain. His last words were, I'm scared. So was I, I tried to hide, I'm tired of hiding, I'm tired of all of us living in fear, so I'll meet these abominations in that field with this sword that is now mine in hand, as a proud captain of Righteous!"  She drew her sword.

The army the Righteous clapped, and cheered, while the Xeno let out chilling roars of death. The Righteous and Xeno forces charged forward. It wasn't long before the army had jumped into a trench made by an earlier attack group. The Bloodthirsty started to come out of their hiding spots. Dark red smoke seeped from the walls, from the Shadow Breathers. Bloodthirsty hiding in the dark producing the smoke giving the cover for their forces. Lights on the Xeno and Righteous forces turned on any source of light they had. Taking positions.

Beatrix, wielded her blue energy sword providing some light. The mud in the trench stuck to her boots and the smell of the death filled her nose from the previous battle that happened yesterday. Coming out of the cavern, popping up from deep pools of blood and bones Bloodthirsty. All shapes and sizes. Some of them her men now monsters and still carrying their weapons. Lasers, and plasma, were shot in both directions across the field. Death.

Bloodthirsty abominations crawled up loosening pieces of earth. Which turned out to be lids. They were like a swarm of undead. Bodies of fallen Righteous, Xeno, Progenitor, Raider, and Imperial shambling forward. More lasers and plasma were going across the field. The Bloodthirsty having numbers to spare sent a wave to take out the army that had positioned themselves in the trench but the wave was disintegrated.

Another wave approached and the Bloodthirsty were everywhere. Beatrix sliced one clean in half with her sword. "AH!" A soldier screamed to her right. A creature of the Blight a wolf-like fiend ripping the man to shreds. She turned to face this threat the creature. It growled at her. Pouncing. SWISH! She cut it down. The Bloodthirsty was in the trench. Xeno Arch Novas flew above releasing their deadly bombs of energy on the backline of the Blight. Explosions of fire and blood resulted in their successful hit.

Beatrix let out a war cry as she cut down another creature. WHACK! She felt the wind knock right out of her. Did something hit me? She looked up just in time to see the Bloodthirsty creature that had hit her earlier trying to bring down its weapon on her head. She rolled to the side dodging the blow. It was a humanoid carrying a rifle but it was using it as a club it seemed. Plasma and gunshots were happening all around her. Xeno and Righteous forces desperately tried to maintain control of the trench.

She saw her blade several feet away. The Blight creature snarled stepping forward. She dashed to the side. Jumping up punching it in the face. The creature stood back stunned and she grabbed her sword off the ground activating its deadly energy and cutting the creature in half. It fell to the floor in a mess. Oracle was now beside her. "Our troops can hold trench it's time for the plan."

Vyander, Oracle, Kathryn, Emrys, and Beatrix used the tunnels that the Bloodthirsty had made. They liked to travel and hide underground when they weren't fighting. While the armies fought above them. They were making good progress. Several Xeno soldiers in their black armor and black rifles accompanied them. 

The tunnel they traveled in shook occasionally. The earth above them trembled but it wasn't serious.  They kept moving. Soon the tunnel turned into a cavern with a bunch of dead bodies. The group slowed down, taking it in. Righteous and Xeno, and many other factions, and races lay in the piles of dead. The smell of the cavern stunk so bad Beatrix had to cover her nose with a hand and the sight... In all her life she had never seen so much death.

Oracle, came up beside her. "It seems... The Bloodthirsty are collecting bodies here." (Halo: Combat Evolved reference) Vyander, kicked one of the dead Xeno among the dead. He bowed his head, whispering to himself. "You will be remembered."

ROAR! A loud creature's chilling scream filled the cavern. Coming around one of the piles of the dead. Came the BROOD MOTHER!

The ten-foot Bloodthirsty monster dived its head down to avoid blaster fire from Vyander's troops

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The ten-foot Bloodthirsty monster dived its head down to avoid blaster fire from Vyander's troops. Its jaw came down killing one of his men. "We have to get out of here!" Beatrix shouted.

"The way out is that way!" Emrys shouted pointing past the Brood Mother to the other side of the cavern. The Xeno footsoldiers opened fire but their plasma seemed to do nothing but annoy the Brood Mother who made a loud shriek before whipping its tail, sending one of the Xeno soldiers into a nearby pile of the dead. 

"My troops will buy us the time we need," Vyander said. The remaining troopers nodded understanding what they must do. Spreading out the Xeno soldiers began to attack the Brood Mother from multiple angels.

"This is our chance let's go!" Oracle shouted and the party raced passed the occupied Brood Mother, leader of the Bloodthirsty in this region. They popped open up the ground lid of earth and soil. Coming out. One at a time. A huge red/orange ball of energy crackled several yards in front of them, the portal to the Artics. Behind them, their forces fought off waves of the Brood Mother's Bloodthirsty.

"Let's do this," Emrys said stepping forward touching the portal getting sucked into it instantly.

Captain Beatrix XII (%)Where stories live. Discover now