Chapter Fifteen

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Kamila's POV

I was sitted in my office when Zoe called me. "Hey biatch, you will never believe who I just saw." She screeched immediately I picked the call. "Well, good afternoon Zoe, how are you?" I asked her rolling my eyes.  "I'm good, guess who?" She asked again. "I have tons of options; Zac Efron, Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel or..." I was saying when she cut me off.

"Not any of those guys, but I would have loved to see them instead of the asshole I saw." She said. "Okay, you hate this person. Who is it?" I asked her.
"Tony Dawson." She said. "Hmm, and? Cause I know you, Zoë, you won't call to tell me you saw the guy unless there is something." I said
"Okay,okay. You are right. He saw me asked of you, I told him you got boyfriends, looked shocked. So I told him to have a nice life because you are having one." She recounts and giggled at the end.

"You really had fun telling him all that to his face." I smiled. My best friend is just one crazy demoness.

After the call, I continued with the idea I was preparing for a client who I am having a meeting with in two hours to get his approval for the apartment.
I finished with all the rooms yesterday, leaving the gym, kitchen and game room for me to complete.

About thirty minutes later, my phone pinged and I picked it to see a message from  Ryan on our group chat.

Ciao Bella.

How may I help you Ryan?

Just checking on you

Hmm, how nice of you. Well, I am good. What are you doing?

Just chilling, will see you during your lunch break?

Okay, sure. No problems. Be expecting you 😘😘
Where is Dylan?

Cooking Fever. Trying new delicacies, will bring some over.

I dropped my phone and finished up then arranged the files for the meeting.
Seeing as there was nothing to do, I picked my sketchbook and began to sketch absentmindedly. I was so engrossed in it until Leslie came in to tell me that my meeting was starting in ten minutes.
Looking at my sketch, a very detailed drawing of a large dragon with the eyes a shiny blue, sitting beside the dragon was a girl who was smiling, her back resting on the dragon's side.

I picked the file and left the office, with Leslie after me. Gerald Ford, the client was already sitted in the meeting room. When he stood, I noticed he was very tall, not as tall as Dylan though. His blonde hair with highlights of black was kept firmly in place. He was dressed in a black jeans with blue top and a leather jacket.

"Miss Woods." He smiled as we shook hands.
"Mr Ford." I replied. "Please, call me Gerald, Mr Ford makes me sound like I am in my sixties and tired of married life." He said making me chuckle. "No problem, Gerald. Please, have your seat." I answered.

"So, I already designed all I have in mind for your bachelor crib. You may go through it all and see if you want anything altered or redesigned." I started giving him the files I arranged earlier. He nodded taking the file from me and opened it.

About thirty minutes later, Gerald was done with the whole file. "I really love the whole idea. But the last spare room, I would like it to be very warm and comfortable for a kid. My sister always put me on babysitting shifts for her daughter." He said.
"No problem, I am guessing a princess themed room?" I asked. "Oh no, Dani is not the princess type. You can make it science themed, especially about outer space." He replied. "Okay, I can mail you the results when I am through so you don't have to come over again." I told him.

"Never mind that, I trust you will create something extraordinary that I won't even need to alter anything." He said and that concluded our meeting.

We both left the meeting room, Gerald moved down the hall towards the reception while I took the other direction heading to my office. Leslie smiled at me through the see through wall of her office as I passed by.

"You are here early." I said to the person sitting behind my desk. "Only by 45 minutes." He smirked. I walked around the table and sat on his laps wiggling to get myself comfortable but Ryan groaned making me freeze mid action. "You are getting me excited, Luna. Don't let me make sure you cum in every corner, on every surface and against every wall in this office." He whispered into my ears.
"And I will make sure you scream and moan out loud for every one in that hallway" he pointed to the door. "To hear you being a slut for your mate."

To my greatest suprise, I felt my pants getting soaked and my body was now on fire that I would allow Ryan do all he said without objecting.
A call cut my thoughts short. I picked my phone to see that it was my dad making me sigh heavily and wonder what he wants this time.
"Hello, dad." I greeted after picking the call.

"Kamila, how are you?" He asked with his voice that never failed in the course of hiding all emotions except anger and disappointment. He is also the only one who calls me with every single letter in my name.
"I am doing well dad, and you?" I asked back. "Healthy." He replied. I didn't ask why he is calling as that would lead to him saying I am to eager to end the conversation between us.

"I am having a party this weekend." He started. "And I want you to be there, it is just a little gathering with few friends and families around." He said and I held back a scoff. Small gathering by my dad could mean a party with two hundred plus guests.
"I will be there dad. And I am bringing friends." I told him. "Your only friend is Zoe ever since you broke up with that boy." There it is, the disappointment in his voice. "Well, I made new amazing friends and we all are coming." I replied.

He finally ended the call and I dropped my phone rubbing my forehead as I could feel a headache brewing. Ryan noticed this and began to give a massage.

"You don't need to say anything else, I heard it all. So I am guessing your father is not easy to get along with." Ryan said and I nodded.

After thirty minutes of head massage, Ryan and I ate while chatting with Dylan. I napped for an hour and half.

"Nice drawing." Ryan said. I just woke up from my nap and saw him looking at the drawing I just did earlier today. "Thanks." I replied sitting up and stretched to relieve all the stiff areas in my body.
"What made you draw it?" He asked. "Nothing, I just picked a pencil sland soon it felt like I was in a trance until I finished drawing it.

Ryan sat with me as I designed the room for Gerald's niece giving me ideas and helping with research.

We left for home in the evening after closing hours. I met the janitor already working in the lobby which means we actually stayed a little bit later than usual.

Wanted to ask if you guys feel like this book is the exact copy of another book you have read.
If so, I would say I was motivated by tons of books but I promise you all that this is my idea, an idea I thought of while staring into space one evening.

To all my readers and voters, thank you all so much.

Quick question; if you were to change something in high school, what would that be.

Do not forget to vote 💜 comment❤️ and share 💕.

✨✨ Lizbeth Rose 🌹

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