Chapter Twenty Eight

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Dylan's POV

It has been a month since Kamila's Luna ceremony and she has  adapted well to her role as the luna of the pack.

She always spend her time with us in the office before leaving early in the afternoon. Because of that, we redesigned our office to have an extra desk and chair for Kamila making her have her own space to work when she joins us for the day.

"I have a proposal for you guys." Kami said that morning dropping a blue file on Ryan's and my table. "What about?" Ryan said opening it to read at the same time that I did.

She made a proposal to establish a vocational school for the pack.
"We can build it outside the pack so other people who are not even member of the pack can enroll."

Kamila's idea was very amazing so we decided to begin working on it in a month.

"Are you hungry?" Ryan asked and I looked at my wrist watch to see that it was almost lunchtime.
"I would kill for some burgers and fries with chocolate milkshake right now." Kami replied.
"Funny." I smiled. "Why is it funny?" She stared.

"That is exactly what was made at the pack house." I replied closing the file on my table. "Then, let's get going." Kami said already walking out of our office.

We joined her and began to work down to the pack house which is just Twenty minutes away from our office space.
"How is it going with the alpha meeting coming up?"Kami asked.
She walked between us with me on her left and Ryan on her right.

"Well, a specific date and venue has not been set yet. It has to be in a neutral place since some alphas can be overbearing about having the meeting on their grounds." I replied.

"Am I going with you guys?" She asked. "Hmm, if it isn't that much of a distance." Ryan told her.


Kami and her mates arrived at the pack house where everyone greeted them as they waltzed into the kitchen.

"Alphas, Luna." Freya, the lady cooking greeted them. "It is good to see you, Freya. Where's my plate?" Kami asked immediately.

The guys chuckled as Freya took out a plate of burger with abundance of fries along with a tall glass of chocolate milkshake.
Kami sat and began to devour the meal. Freya dropped two plates for the alphas and they also joined her in eating.

While they ate, Sarah and Zoë came in. "Holla biscuit." Zoë said to Kami who looked  up from her food for the first time since she began to eat. Her cheeks were stuffed making her resemble a chipmunk. "Ooh, why are your cheeks all stuffed making you look like Theodore." Zoë asked making her friend roll her eyes.

They finished eating and settled down chatting but the guys had to leave because of some problem happening by the pack border.

The ladies were still chatting when an alarm and the pack mindlink was filled with the instructions that every child and those who can't fight should be taken to the safe house.

"Let us go." Sarah said leading her mate and Luna out of the pack house towards the direction of the pack house.
"What's wrong?" Zoë asked as they ran. "Some rogues made it into the pack, we have to make sure everyone is safe." Sarah replied.

They were almost close to the safe house. It was designed to have a protective layer of silver covering it after it has been locked from the inside  making it impossible for the wolves to break in.

Few steps away from the entrance, two rogue wolves appeared in front of the two ladies.

Fight, we have to fight.

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