ⅱ. Do you think they forgot about me?

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Mazzy's POV:

it's been 3 years since Angie and i have gotten separated and i seriously want to get out of this shithole. i've seen the littlest kids being here and it's sad. but the only good person i've met here and actually trust is my best friend Ina. i met her when i first got transferred here after i got out of the hospital. she's mentioned her brother a few times, his name is Kamran. apparently he's my sister age as well.

"mazzy, do you think we'll ever get out of here?" Ina snapped me out of my thoughts. her voice was always so quiet and soft. but she'd get loud if she was comfortable around you. not very social though.

her parents were druggies as well. her dad OD'd when she was 9 and her brother was 8 and then had to live with her mom that wasn't really her mom until they were about 12 and 13. unfortunately, she found her mom dead on the floor with pills in her hand. she made sure Kamran never saw though. she told me how they got separated just like Angie and i. but ever since then she was mute until she met me. i'm glad i got her out of her shell though. she's a really cool person and i wouldn't trade anyone else to be my best friend aside from Angie. they were the only good people in my life right now.

"i don't know honestly. but i have to find my sister. the bitches won't tell me where she is. talkin' about its classified information or whatever. the only way for me to see her again is if we both get adopted or i adopt her but i'm only 16" i said while waving my arms all over the place. Ina nodded to note that she's listening. i always talked about my sister to her, she really wanted to meet her.

"you'll find her someday m', don't worry" she reassured.

i smiled, "yeah well, you'll find Kamran someday too".


Angie's POV:

"can you fucking move you asshole?" i asked hitting Kamran. the bitch won't move out of my way while i'm trying to get breakfast. he's always complaining about how i don't eat that much and of course when i'm trying to get food, he's in the way.

"ow! why are you always so mean?" he asked while rubbing the spot where i hit him.

"because you're annoying and in my damn way" i simply said now eating. he rolls his eyes and sits next to me.

"hey Kam" i say while taking a bite of my eggs. he looks up and raises his eyebrow, "do you think my sister still thinks of me?" i continue.

he stays quiet for a moment, "well yeah, of course she does. why wouldn't she?" he asked. i don't know why she wouldn't. it was just always a thought in the back of my head that would linger. but who wouldn't forget me? my father never even cared about me, i doubt my own mother would if she was still alive.

Kamran dropping his fork snapped me out of my thoughts. Jesus i've known him for about 3 years now and he's still this clumsy. i remember when i first met him, he tripped over nothing while showing me around and crashed into a person holding books. it was the funniest shit i've ever seen. probably the first time i ever smiled since the hospital with Mazzy.

"do you think my sister still thinks of me Ang'?" Kamran suddenly asks looking down and playing with his food. he looked sad, Kam was never sad. he was the biggest goofball i knew. but i knew deep down he had his own issues ever since the shit that happened with his parents. but he knew if he ever needed a shoulder to cry on or needed someone to talk to, i'd be here.

"yeah i do. she probably misses you as much as you miss her. you guys will reunite one day again" i said putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. he gave a small smile back and nodded.

i just hope one day we could all hangout with each other and finally live a good life. because it's seriously starting to get old being here.

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