ix. that's fucked yo

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okay so just an fyi, this story is mostly in Mazzy's POV. i'll be switching it up ofc, especially between the sisters but for now it'll just be in her POV. anyways, enjoy the story 🤝🤝

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i woke up pretty early today, i smelt food and i love me some food so i got up and went to the kitchen

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i woke up pretty early today, i smelt food and i love me some food so i got up and went to the kitchen. it was uncle Jesse cooking breakfast. i didn't know he cooked.

"morning Tío" i said while sitting down.

"Tío? since when do you call me that?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"well we're mexican and you're my uncle so i don't see a problem. i feel too white-washed calling you my uncle. and plus, Tío Jesse has a ring to it" i said taking a bite of toast.

"hm you right, Tío it is" he said smiling and stirring the eggs.

"i made some friends though. i'm gonna hangout with them today and i'm gonna bring Angie with me" i said.

"oh okay, that's good. make sure you guys have fun. but i gotta get ready for work, i'll be home around 9 today" i nodded and continued eating. after i was done, i went to my room to get ready myself.

"hey Angie, let's go back to the shop" i yelled. no response. well that's unusual. i walk out of my room, into hers. there she was still asleep.

"yo wake up sleepyhead. i wanna hangout with the guys today" i said tapping her. she groaned.

"what time is it?" she groggily asked.

"like 10-ish"

"okay, give me like 20 minutes" i nodded and walked out.

we got to the shop about an half hour later. i told Angie that Tío Jesse would be home around 9 so we'd be home before then.

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"alright i don't understand this shit, why the hell do they call Mexicans lazy?" i heard fuckshit ask. everyone's attention went towards me, Angie and Ruben for an answer.

"fuck you lookin' at us? do people really say that shit?" Ruben asked.

"i heard people say that shit. it don't make any sense to me. every time i see them hoes, they building, buildings and shit" fuckshit explained. i started laughing.

"that shit is so fucked up" i said in between laughter.

"damn thats racist as shit" Angie said while laughing as well.

"i said people said it, not i say it. that's the whole point of this game, so you won't get offended" fuck shit said.

"what game are we even playing? we walked in and all i hear is your question" i asked, giggling a little. fuckshit smirked and shook his head.

"hol on, i got a question for fourthgrade though" Ray announced.

Fourthgrade looked up from his feet giving a puzzled look.

"why is white people in love with they pets?
like why do they care so much? i don't get it"
Ray said, looking at us.

"nah for real though!" fuckshit laughed.

"so i'm at this white girls house right?" Ray started. i turned my head out of confusion to show i'm interested.

"and we chillin', and i can hear her mom downstairs like 'oh my god, Erik didn't eat his kibble today! Like I don't know! Do I have to take him to the doctor?'" Ray said in a lady like mock tone.

me and Angie started giggling.

"so i asked her, 'why is your mom feeding your little brother kibble?'  like of course he's probably gonna get sick, and she turn around and told me, 'Erik is a dog silly!'" he continued while bursting into laughter.

"dogs don't have feelings you dumb bitch!" Ruben added while laughing his ass off with the rest of the group.

"i don't even have a dog, i have a gecko" fourthgrade announced, making everyone go dead silent.

"did this bitch just say he got a gecko?" fuckshit asked.

"yeah" fourthgrade answered.

"i ain't know one dude in the entire world that has a gecko" Ray said practically in tears.

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