an unexpected alliance

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In such a beautiful place, where its inhabitants were so peaceful that they couldn't even hurt a fly on purpose, in one of those areas, the heroes would wake up after such a fight.

Chriss was the first to recognize the place, and he saw that Maiko was next to them, so he didn't hesitate for a second to prepare to fight.

[Maiko]: hey! I don't want to fight now! I'm just confused and my armor is broken, I don't know where I can get the same one.

[Chris]: oh, I'm sorry, but I still don't trust you, but hey, you have to wake up the others.

Seeing that the others did not wake up, Chriss and Maiko would be forced to carry them until they reached a nearby town.

After walking 9 hours, Chriss and Maiko would arrive at a town with many inhabitants, the vast majority being children.

[Maiko]: a~...your friends are heavy!

[Chriss]: I don't know why, and I don't know why the hell Chloe weighs more than the rest if she's a dwarf that's almost the same height as me, but that dwarf adopted me a long time ago.

[Maiko]: Chloe is your adoptive mother? Wow.

Some inhabitants of the town saw some children almost naked and injured so they decided to treat them.

Chriss and Maiko would talk for a while with the inhabitants, and the latter would attend to them gently and some others would become attached to them.

night would come, and chloe and the others still wouldn't wake up, Maiko and chriss had a lovely chat in the moonlight.

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