Chapter 2: The Hidden Demons of the Forest

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The sun came out, Chriss walked in the forest while some strange noises distracted him little by little. In the distance, some paintings hanging on strong branches caught Chriss' attention.

Chriss walked over to the paintings, and was startled to see the victory of Chloe and them against God, whose victory rendered in a strange art style, Chloe holding a lightsaber.

—She did not have a sword that I remember, perhaps the people or the author of such a work of art confused the story or wanted to refer to something mysterious.

Chriss touched the painting and a stack of visions of the future flashed through her mind. Chriss shook their heads at him and after leaving the confusion he proceeded to continue on his way until he found something strange.

He's a demon, and apparently he's eating something very disgusting.

the smell penetrated more than almost anything. Chriss approached the demon and cut off its head with the movement of his hand.

Chriss examined the demon, and saw a key within it, the key of which he would have to use to open something, something beyond.

Out of nowhere, Maiko appeared behind Chriss, Maiko had another incredible samurai armor, and she never missed the blindfold covering her eyes, only this one is black.

—And, what did you find of that demon?

“Nothing special, just a golden key. Maybe it belonged to a home.

Maiko and Chriss heard a loud unknown noise, like the loud cry of pleasurable pain from an oversized cow, accompanied by the growling of a bull.

Chriss and Maiko ran towards such a sound, and found a huge green door with golden circles.

Behind the door, Maiko and Chris were surprised to see Chloe facing off against a huge demon with the head of a cow and the legs of a bull.

—Hey! Luckily they arrived soon! I don't know where this demon came from but it is something strong.

Maiko drew her sword and jumped straight into the demon's horns to try to cut them, but the demon parried the attack with a large spiked bat.

The demon lowered its head and took momentum, launching itself towards Chriss and the latter grabbed the demon's horns, holding on to them and taking momentum to yank them off.

The demon remained on the ground for a few seconds, time that Chloe took advantage of to sink the beast's stomach with a strong punch. The beast filled its arm with dark energy, releasing strong darkness and changing the environment completely.

Maiko jumped once more towards the demon's horns that grew again and this time she managed to cut them quickly and finished off the beast returning the environment to normal.

—Thanks for helping me, the truth is that I'm somewhat asleep. Chloe said.

Chris replied while reading a letter: "It's okay, anyway it's not uncommon to find a monster in these areas."

The letter was a message for the heroes, whose message was of cases of dimensional demons massacring entire kingdoms, the letter requested their help immediately.

the heroes proceeded with the mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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