Chapter 12 - Nightowl

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Zero potential, this kid is the most self-destructive thing I've ever seen. How did the admissions process go to let these kids in?

Oh great, she's now preparing herself. Let's see this final show.

"HYAHH!" and the ball flew with the power of a thousand suns and an arm...


I was expecting her to fall to the ground, but her arm is fine?...

"Aizawa..." she put her hands in fists. "I'm still standing."


It's going to be a fruitful year.

-A few days pass-

It's 8 o'clock at night and I'm on patrol duty, it's nice to go back out in the cold chill of the night.

The breeze crosses me as I swing from building to building, it is truly an underground hero's paradise.

Typically I deal with a bunch of different things, robberies, assaults, and even suicides. It's a shame that their ages are getting lower and lower.

My mind was so full of dealing with all the problem children, it was nice to lay off from explosive hedgehogs, hot popsicles, and soul-gazing broccoli sticks. Speaking of which, what the hell is Yagi's quirk? She can invade your soul but also has the power to punch your heart out?


Oh, what's the point in thinking, in a world of literal firemen and living black holes, why should I be surprised at a quirk that doesn't correlate with its own abilities?


Something just flew past, and that wasn't the sound of a creature.

I run to see where the sound originated from but just see a kid? On a rooftop?

"Hey, kid."

He turned in surprise, "Oh! Hello Mr. Hero!"

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm just looking at the stars..."

When I look at the 5-year-old, he's sitting down looking up at the edge of a ceiling. I mean what else could I think of?

"You're not thinking of anything else are you...?"

"Oh, jumping?"


"I did before, it really isn't too worth it. What's the point in looking for a future that I could never reach? I mean there-"

I stumble a bit before speaking again. "Kid, you don't need to do it. There are so many things you've yet to see..."


"You're right, I don't. I've had the same talk with someone else..."

"Oh? Who might that be?" If I find out, I've got to thank them for getting him before I would have been too late. I've already had one too many cases of a suicidal kid slipping out of my reach.

"He's my savior, he understands, I talked to him right before you came,"

Was that the one who made that sound?

"They were called Fist"


"Yeah! They were like a knight in black clothes!"

Keep your thoughts to yourself Eraserhead. The kid doesn't know what that means, what hero is called Fist?

*Sometime later*

Ok whoever this Fist guy is, they were now every suicidal kid's savior. I found 3 more each resting on roofs as I continued my patrol. The profile I've built up, for now, is this:

- Called "Fist"

- Wears a black outfit with a cloak, and most of his body has metal plates as protection

- Saves suicidal kids

- A strong athlete, a kid saw him jump a 6-meter gap.

- Just has a way with words

Every kid repeated one thing, however, "he understood."

What was this guy understanding? I can't figure it out...

Red and blue light started filling my peripheral as I approached the police station. It's time for the nightly report, and I'll ask Tsukauchi about this "Fist" guy.

I pass by the late-shift workers and give a small wave for their challenge of getting the worst eye bags, they held up a good fight against me.

I knock on the door labeled "Head Detective." "Come on in," a tired voice responded.

I walked to see a man covered by paper from each side, the stacks leading to his hat who was holding on by one strand. The pen was slowly building its black hole on the paper as the hand holding it stopped responding to its nerves.

"You look tired" "No... really?" Detective Tsukauchi mocked me, wow he has to be tired to come to that level of sarcasm.

I gave my usual report on petty thugs and the sad spike in suicidal kids I found over the month.

"God it really is a shame that this is similar to an evolutionary extinction, the quirkless are just slowly going to die out." As he said that, I noticed a familiar picture of green hair on his wall. "Are you still looking for that kid?" I asked. "You're not?" "Not what I meant... you did say you had some history with that hero agent, what was his name? Oh yeah, Yagi." The detective just sighed.

I then remembered what I came here for again, "Oh yeah I just remembered, is there a hero named Fist?" That made the detective stand up, "Wanna repeat that for me? I swear I just heard you ask me if a licensed hero who has certifications was called... Fist?" I nodded in response.

Tsukauchi switched his computer to the database and was murmuring, "I swear to go if someone managed to do this, I'm gonna laugh my socks off."

I waited for a couple of seconds before he turned his head in shame, "You got my hopes up Shota, you really did. That was a cruel joke."

Interesting, It seems we have a new case on our hands. "Tsukauchi?" "Yeah?" "No jokes now when I met the suicidal kids..." Tsukauchi pulled his chair back and paid attention.

"That was the name of the one who they said, saved them." Tsukauchi blinked twice so I continued. "We've got a random person zipping around saving these kids, and we don't have them in the database." "Do you know anything else?" "They were a dark outfit with a black cloak, they only seems to have some iron plates as protection on his limbs. Also a strong athlete, slightly under the pre-quirk era Japanese record for long jumps."

Tsukauchi sighs, "A sizable portfolio for a potential vigilante, but you said they only save kids from ending it?" "Yes," I responded. "As long as they don't start doing acts of vigilantism, we could just ask them to become a therapist."

As soon as those words were spoken, an officer broke into the room, "Sir! We've got a villain with large bruise marks that just said he was attacked by a vigilante!"

The officer retreated as soon as Tsukauchi started picking himself up slowly from his seat, I for one also followed him and closed the door. Brace for impact!

"GOD *smash* DAMN IT!"

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