Chapter 32 - Vigilant v. Vigilante III

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"THANK YOU, EVERYONE! THANK YOU ALL!" The audience was clapping fruitfully, this had been Soul Metal's newest record. Even Eikyo, who was holding the microphone, was a bit nervous. "I FIRST WANT TO MENTION THAT IF YOU ENJOYED THE APPEARANCE OF QUEEN, THEN BE SURE TO GO AND FOLLOW THE TOUR SHE'S TAKING IN ENGLAND!"

Izumi, who was at the very back of the audience, felt the exact same way as the last concert, an intense headache. It wasn't that the song was bad by any means, but as she watched, she felt like the lead singer was directly looking at her, he had the same image as... Izuku.

Bakugo was still cheering on the singers, he was hyped up all the way, especially captivated by the pyrotechnics. They were now in a new age thanks to quirks, pyrokinesis allowed for the greatest shows possible. "That was sick! Right, Izumi!? Izumi...?" "Don't worry I'm fine! Just a little headache" quickly reassured Izumi. She wanted to get home quickly, as this was all too familiar to last time.

She left...

Doesn't matter, the concert's done, and back to work

I really wonder... what she thinks now...

Doesn't matter, let's get out of here




Quickly shifting out of the backstage, he was now already on the street. He had left his costume in an abandoned building and wanted to get there quickly, however, just before he was making a turn, the unthinkable happened.

Aizawa POV


I remember Detective Tsukauchi saying that the outcome of the spontaneous interview wasn't decisive, but listening to that concert, the voices were too similar. I decided to follow him as he left, and so far I don't know what he was doing.

It seemed as if he was going to go into that alleyway, but he stopped at the last moment.

Why is he still?

I jumped a building closer to get a clearer view if he was typing something, but before I could check, he fumbled his pockets and headed straight again. I kept following...

The walk was long but he eventually reached a building, it was rectangular and made of bricks. What I saw when he opened the door surprised me, 2 young girls ran out and hugged him. Is he a father? I stayed looking at them for a couple of minutes...


He seems to be a caring father... There's no reason for me to follow him. Those kids also seem familiar...

I decided to turn around and head back, it's still midnight and there may be more villains on the loose. But then, I had to stop myself as I was about to jump, 20 meters to my right standing on a slightly higher building, was Fist. They were looking down at the street, it seems they hadn't noticed me. This is a chance. I ready myself to battle, but then they begin to run, and so I give chase. I'm not letting them go this time. I've seen the good of him and the bad, but in the end, they're a vigilante.

The chase was long as Fist was not slowing down, they must have noticed me by now, either way, I had been using my quirk without end and they weren't slowing down. I threw my scarf out to try and catch them, but I missed, and they dodged to the right, but this at least meant I could speed up without worrying-


They... did something I never saw coming. In the middle of the chase, they suddenly stopped themselves dead while I hadn't noticed, then followed by putting all of their weight into one kick that I flew straight into.

"GAGHG?!" The shock was intense, I keep forgetting they were a formidable physical opponent. I had to jump back immediately "GONNA KEEP CHASING ME, YOU BASTARD?!" Fist yelled with bloodlust, they were angry. "Yeah... I'll capture you tonight." My provocation worked a bit better than I expected because they immediately jumped on me. I narrowly avoided the attack that cracked a brick ceiling. When I looked into their eyes through their thick helmet, I could only see red. *cough* *cough* I'm not in a condition to fight anymore, that kick already brought me out of the game. "It's been a while since I saw you, busy?" "GET BACK HERE!" I don't think my questions will get through to them now, I can only keep dodging.

On and on they tried to hit me, but apart from that kick, they were just punching the air. They're very predictable... which is weird. I remember our first interaction going much differently, what was the technique they used? It confused the hell out of me. For now, this is a stalemate, I can't fight, but they can't hit me, I can only go on until they tire themselves out.

We began to approach a ledge and I was ready to simply jump over it as Fist charged to crack the ground again, but they didn't see it and plummeted down. I slowly leaned over "You alright, you psychopath?" ...they weren't there... That crafty bastard, they just ditched me!

Izuku POV

That was too close to comfort


You were going to jump in his loving capture weapon yeah





I don't need this right now, let's just get on with the patrol.

Much to my surprise, the dawn was already coming, which is bad for me, black outfits don't exactly match the sunshine. Damn Eraser Head, he really wasted my time.

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