Intro and prologue

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Ian and Mickey are Bi in this.

Morgan will be played by Kat Dennings. Morgan is very physically affectionate, Ian loves getting hugs from Morgan so does Mickey but Mickey doesn't really like public affection. Ian is completely okay with public affectionate, he enjoys it quite a bit. Morgan is a pole dancer in a LGBTQ+ club, she's one of everyone's favourite dancers. Mickey and Ian decide to try this place out but what happens when Mickey and Ian love to her and continue to come back.


Morgan POV
I got to work an hour before work, I started to get ready.

My stripper name is Honey Baby, I started to pick my playlist

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My stripper name is Honey Baby, I started to pick my playlist. The songs where:
I saw red
Needed me
Dangerous woman
I know
Then after the songs, I would pull up a stranger from the crowd and dance with them. My boss David came up to me, "Morgan you're on soon okay?" I nodded and got ready.

The music started and I strutted up towards the pole loads of men and women cheered,

They continued to cheer, two guys caught my attention. The first guy had ginger hair, he had freckles covering his face with beautiful green eyes. The second guy was a pasty pale colour, he had lovely black hair with blue eyes. Straight away I knew one of those guys were going to be my victims, I walked down the stairs to the black haired guy. I asked the ginger hair, "do you mind if I steal him?" "Nope not at all" I held my hand out for the black haired guy, he grabbed it so I led him up on stage. "What's your name?" "Mickey" "do I have your consent to touch you?" "Yeah" I smiled at him, "just sit down on this chair"

Once I had finished, I led him back to his friend, "thanks for the great time Mickey," I winked at him and started to walk away. He tapped my shoulder, "can I have your number?" "Check your pocket and give it to your cutie friend over there" I strutted away, I got a text once I walked back to my bag that was backstage.

Hey it's me Mickey
I never got your name

It's Morgan but my stripper name is honey baby. Anyway I hope you enjoyed your little treat today handsome  xx

I was wondering if me and Ian the ginger haired guy who's my boyfriend, could come back tomorrow if you're working.

Of course you can,  I just don't work Sundays, maybe I should treat your boyfriend tomorrow if you're okay with that.

Yeah of course I am, I gave Ian your number Ok

I put my phone down to get dressed, when I got another message.

Hey it's Ian,

Hey cutie, what's up?

When do you finish work?

In about 10 minutes, I just need to get changed. Why?

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out afterwards, you seem pretty cool.

Yeah sure, if you want? You can wait outside for me I won't be long

Yeah of course I will

I quickly got changed, into some tracksuit bottoms and an oversized jumper. I walked outside to meet Ian and Mickey, "well hello to you both," they both responded with hi, I hugged Mickey, "aren't you so handsome Mickey?" He looked down, I knew he was blushing. I then hugged Ian, he gasped sarcastically, "what about me?" "Well you're too cute to compliment" he started blushing really hard, "do you two want to come to mine?" They both agreed, I led them to my truck, Ian opened the passenger door for Mickey. Then Ian got in the back, I sat in the drivers seat.

I drove the half an hour to my apartment building, they followed me inside the apartment building and showed them to my apartment.

I decided to ask Ian, "hey Ian, Mickey?" "Yeah," "I was wondering if I could show you a routine I've been working on" "Yeah sure" I nodded and brought them both to my home studio

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I decided to ask Ian, "hey Ian, Mickey?" "Yeah," "I was wondering if I could show you a routine I've been working on" "Yeah sure" I nodded and brought them both to my home studio. They both sat on the couch while I went to go get changed,

They both made me feel really confident I don't know why? But they do

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They both made me feel really confident I don't know why? But they do.

They gave me some feedback and we sat in the living room, we watched a couple of movies and they stayed the night.

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