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DAY 01

BEADS OF SWEAT rolled down my face as I struggled, the metal cuffs that bound my hands dug into the flesh of my wrists, sending streams of fresh blood trickling down my arm. Gritting my teeth, I twisted and contorted my hand in an attempt to break it, but it was useless. My hands were tied tightly above my head, leaving the rest of my body dangling. There was no way I could muster up the leverage to break a bone to free myself, but I refused to give up.

Another guttural cry from my partner came from somewhere behind me, followed by the sound of a knife being ripped from muscle. At the sound, I struggled harder, pulling my hands against the cuffs until I swore I felt dig so far into my flesh they hit bone. I did everything I could think of, but with my feet off the ground and my hands tied, I was completely helpless to do anything.

My partner screamed once more and I found myself cursing everything that led up to this moment. The feeling of helplessness was suffocating and I found myself gasping for air as I panicked against my restraints. Never in my life had I been so helpless before. The feeling was foreign to me, and I didn't know what to do.

Just then, I heard the sound of a gun being fired, and everything went silent.

"Alex!" I screamed, my voice hoarse from pain. Yet, I received no response from my partner.

My eyes swam with unshed tears, and I could barely hear the sound of footsteps as the man came around me, moving to stand in front of me. His gun was still smoking, and the sulfuric odor of a freshly fired weapon crept up my nose making me gag. At my reaction, the man's ashen and blood-crusted face cracked into a wolfish grin.

"Pity about your friend, though I promise I will take my time with you." The man leered, leaning close enough to my face that I could smell his foul breath.

At his words, my eyes burned with unbridled hatred as I looked up into his face. His eyes were wide as he watched my reaction with psychotic joy, still high on the adrenaline of his last kill. Looking into his eyes, I felt my stomach fall. He had that look. That wild crazed look in a man's eyes. The look of a man with nothing to lose, with no rationality, wanting nothing more than to take everyone down with him.

Cocking back his gun, he leaned in close, whispering into my ear. "I bet you have a pretty scream. I want to hear it, Agent." He said, pressing the gun against my thigh.

Then he fired.

Instantly, my eyes shot open and I gasped for breath. Cold sweat ran down the side of my face, and with the sleeve of my black long sleeve shirt, I wiped it away. Suddenly, I felt a cold hand settle on my shoulder, making me jerk away, cutting a sharp look at the person beside me. The older woman sitting in the seat next to me looked at my face with pity.

"First time?" The woman surmised, giving me a gentle smile.

I blinked at her as I processed her words, making sense of the situation. She must have assumed it was the flight that had me startled. Before I could respond, she spoke again.

"Don't worry sweetie, it gets easier. We are safe on the ground now." The woman reassured, gesturing to the small cabin window beside her head.

I frowned, glancing past the woman to look out the plane's window. As she had said, the plane had already touched down on the runway heading towards an airport. My eyes scanned the new environment from the small window, noticing the numerous mountains and trees surrounding the airport. As I read the bolded letters SACRAMENTO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT printed on the airport's front, I realized with dread that I had finally made it to California.

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