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DAY 05

THE NEXT MORNING I woke up late. By the time I opened my eyes, the sun was already peeking through the small windows of my bedroom. A loud noise wailed from my beside table, and rubbing my eyes, I sat up. Glancing over at the noise, I gasped when I saw that it was my alarm.

Quickly, I snatched my phone off the table and turned of my alarm to check the time. My phone flashed the numbers 8:05am, which meant that I had slept over an hour past my daily 7:00am alarm. Considering that my shift at the compound began at 9am, panic rushed through my body. I couldn't be late, especially not after last night. I might as well wear a sign that says guilty on it.

Immediately I got out of bed and began rushing to put on my clothes for the day. Skipping breakfast, all I could do was get my wallet and keys before I ran out of the door and to my truck. Hopping in, I rushed out of the driveway and onto the main road in record time.

Fortunately, by rushing I was not late, and I arrived to the compound a few minutes early like I normally did.

Once the gates let me inside, I let out a breath of relief, releasing my pent up stress from the chaos of the morning. Quickly putting up my hastily brushed hair into a hair clip, I got out of the car and headed to the entrance. As I approached, I nodded at the guards who let me pass without so much as a glance. Frowning, I stepped past them before glancing around the entrance.

"No Dr. Grant today?" I asked the guards, noting that usually Dr. Grant would meet me at the entrance to guide me to the office. Or at the very least remind me that he was expecting results from me very soon.

The guard didn't even bother turning around to address me when he spoke, "Dr. Grant is out on urgent business today." He said, crossing his arms across his chest as he continued to examine the compound's surroundings. It seemed that both of them were on high alert with the absence of Dr. Grant and I couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with last night. Fortunately, however, their attentions did not seem directed to me at all and for that I was slightly relieved.

"Thanks." I muttered, turning away to go toward the entrance. Once I scanned myself inside, my face scrunched up in thought.

Urgent business? What kind of business? I thought to myself as I made my way inside.

Dr. Grant was a CEO of C.R.O.S.S. Labs, and if I remembered correctly, there was more than just the Canis department to oversee...

At the thought, the image of the deformed creature Chief Hoffield had shown me from the Pisces department resurfaced in my mind, making me grimace.

Shaking the disturbing image from my mind, I continued to my way inside the compound. Looking around, it seemed that everyone was going about their business as usual, which probably meant Dr. Grant's absence was nothing out of the ordinary. Though, I still couldn't help but be suspicious considering the timing and the events of last night.

Did he know something was up? I thought as I
walked swiftly down the hallway to my office where I shut myself inside.

Maybe, but more importantly, did he know it was me?

Once alone, I ran my hands down my face, rubbing my sleep-deprived eyes and cursing myself. I hadn't slept at all since I arrived in Blackwater and now my exhaustion was catching up with me.

Rubbing my hands down my face, I glanced around my office where my eyes landed on the serums sitting on the table. I felt my chest sink as I stared at the table. It was a reminder.

I was running out of time. I had to find something worth my while, and soon.

Letting out a breath, I pulled out the notebook I stole from last night and set it on the table as I began to examine the serums. Picking up a vial, my eyes trailed over the clear liquid that filled the glass container. I had been so distracted by plotting my investigations that this was the first time I actually took a closer look at the serums.

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