Post It Adventures

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"Let it go Seeley, it's been a year. She's not coming back." Caroline says after seeing Booth keep staring at Dale's access card. Deep down he knows it's very unlikely that she will coming back, but he has hopes. "Angela can't find her?"
"No, she must be living off the grid, and why would you make Angela busy to do that? We still got a lot of cases even after your big bust."
"Yeah. I'll be right there. Just give me a minute."
"Okay......and by the way, there's ladies' night today at the bar. You might want to go and hang out a little bit."
"I'll think about that. Thanks Caroline."

Everyday comes and goes with case like it always does. The difference would be the atmosphere, it's more quiet and calm. No ridiculous arguments between Hodgins and Dale, no case-closing candy from her as well. She might started working there as a stranger, but she sure made herself into their close friend. "Now this place feels like a regular office." Angela says to Cam who's still looking for another outsource consultant. "I know...I can't even look at these candidates and not thinking about whether they can fill the spot or not."

Cam is particularly troubled to get someone that at least close to Brennan or Dale's level.

Meanwhile Dale is currently closing in her 1 month period on staying in the same place. She prepared herself to leave New Orleans tomorrow. Glen sit by her side and pour her a drink, "Did you really need to go? You're such a good performer." Glen himself is a bar owner who allowed Dale to sing at night after listened to her performance on the street.

"I've told you. I jump from one place to another."
"I didn't think you're serious. That's just such a shame. Your talent. Are you gonna be a singer somewhere maybe? If you are, don't forget about me, okay?"
"Honestly, everytime I move, I get new things to do. So I'm not sure I'll sing somewhere again. But....if I do, I'll sure to mention your name in a speech." She smiles while Glen hands her the last paycheck. "Thank you Glen."
"Good luck Dale."

A long drive hours finally bring her to Las Vegas and this time she's planning to work at a restaurant. Maybe learn how to cook along the way. But all she got is a job opening at a diner.

"I never have an applicant arrives with a motorcycle and leather jacket before." Jill looks at her from top to bottom and kind of reluctant to even consider to hire her. "Oh ma'am, don't worry. I'm not in a gang or something. I just love to ride."
"Well alright, have you work at a restaurant before?"
"No ma'am. But I've been working at internet cafe, gym, and the latest is a bar. I can assure you I can provide a decent hospitality."
"Wow..okay then. Can you work as a waitress by day and clean the kitchen by night?"
"Yes I can."
"Great. You can start tomorrow."
"Thanks ma'am. Oh and one thing....I need to tell you in advance that I'm gonna be on this job for just a month. Is that okay?"
"Uhmm...usually I prefer a loyal worker but...right now I really need a worker who could cover 2 jobs so....sure." They shake hands after the agreement.

Before Dale takes off to look for a place to live, she briefly looks at the TV where there's news about a high profile case. Booth is on that case and thanks to the success on closing it, he seems to be getting a lot of media coverage. She smiles proudly and then takes off.

Back at the D.C, Booth takes Caroline's advice and goes to the ladies night. He feels like maybe he needs to go out and it's about time to move on. "Scotch, please." He says to the bartender and then his eyes roaming around the room, trying to grasp the vibe from the crowd.

"Hey, waiting for someone?" A woman approaches him with a beer on her hand. "Uhm, nope. You?"
"Me? I'm supposed to meet my blind date, but it seems like he ghosted me."
"Yeah?" Booth smiles and then takes a sip from his glass, "How long? An hour?"
"Hour and a half." She says, after taking a seat on his left. "Still waiting for him?"
"Nope. I don't think so. But you can be my blind date......unless you're married."
"No...I mean, I was married, but not anymore."
"Tough divorce?"

Booth paused for a second and then trying to force a smile, " She passed away."
"I'm sorry." She touches Booth arms and sincerely sympathize with him. "No, don't be. It's not your fault, it's mine."
"How? You didn't kill her, did you?"
"Haha, no no no. Bad guy did. But he did it to get back at me. Because I pissed him off at one point."
"Well in that case...don't blame yourself."

"Anyway, we haven't tell each other names." Booth offers his hand and she gladly take it. "Leone Harper."
"Seeley Booth. Glad to meet you Leone."

Dale is unpacking her backpack and put her clothes in the drawer. The deal on the rent might be great but the room itself is basically trash. If she planned to stay longer, she would've looked for another room. The first thing she does after unpacking is looking at avery inches of the room, trying to spot any hidden camera or similar devices. After she's sure the room is clean, she picks up the landline phone and dials a number.

"Hello? Who's this?"
"It's Dale."
"Oh, it's the time already?"
"Yes. I've moved to a new place. I only got a few left. How are you?"
"Good....something is on your mind again?"
"Yes. I don't know how to explain this because there are no physical evidence to support my hunch. But recently I became sure that I've been followed."
"Is there any familiar face everytime you step into your new place?"
"Not really. Not in plain sight anyway. But I know it's there. When I started this whole bucket list thing, it's supposed to be fun you do things outside my comfort zone."
"Yeah, I was the one suggesting that, in case you forgot."
"I know. That's why I'm telling you this. Because I never told anyone else where I'm about to go, only you."
"You think someone listen to our conversation?"
"I don't know, maybe."
"Okay. For now, just stay calm and watch your back. I trust your hunch, so you might be into something."
"I will. Thanks."

"Take care Marsey."
"As do you."

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