At The Very Least...

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Unknown to Dale and Booth, Patrick tries to get in contact with Bradley in hope he finds him before her.

"I'm sure you got a call from her and she threatened you."
"Who's this?"
"Just someone who knows her well. Well enough to say that she definitely will kill you."
"Dale? I'm not afraid of her."
"No. Rinka. You think just because she had a thing with you in the past, she would spare you? She'll do whatever it takes to protect Dale."
"I'm not hurting her, am I?"
"Then you know nothing about either of them at all. For all I know Dale could already put a hit on you and Rinka will definitely deliver. So... I'm not really a cop and I don't care if you got killed. But honestly I don't want her to be a killer just to get back at you. So.. If you really want to be alive, you better surrender to the FBI."
After he heard that, he hung up.

"He really is stubborn huh?" Patrick put Dale's cellphone in his pocket again before anyone realize that he stole it from the lab

Meanwhile Booth is basically doing a manhunt on both Bradley and Dale. Based on her current state of mind, this can turned into a bloodbath. "It's not a clear image, but I think this is her." Angela who was working from her home, keep Booth informed through a video call. "Where did you get this? I got nothing on every CCTV around the lab."
"I got it from an ATM on the south side of the building. She might not know about this because the ATM is new."
"So, she possibly headed this way?"
"I can't guarantee you, but this is the only lead we have." Angela knows how much of a gamble this single lead is, but as much as she wants to find her she really can't find any other trace.

"Booth, she used to work like hush hush things, right?"
"She did. Why?"
"I is possible she got back to some familiar hiding place or something. Can't you ask the bureau or something?"
"Angela, it's hush hush. Of course I can't ask....wait hold on.... I might have some leverage to make those man above to open their mouth."

Rinka got out from the car and quickly get the duffle bag from the trunk. "She really doesn't know that I'm too lazy to come out? If I want to take over the body I would have done that since the beginning. But I don't want to work and pay taxes." She's whining non stop from the parking lot to her motel room. "Also.. What on earth was that? Was she trying to kill us both? I'm supposed to protect her from bad people, not herself. Damn it."

After entering the room, she unloads everything from the bag, including a very provocative clothing. "Did she really think I will wear it?" She looks at it briefly, "On second thought, I might keep this one after this mission. She definitely needs it to get laid."

Among all of those stuff, there are no cleaning supplies. "Hold on....she didn't bring any? This is so unlike her." But then she found a note; Do it with your hand.

Surprised by her cold request, Rinka realized something. "I thought I told that cop not to tell her about Mika...she...she knew about it? No wonder she thinks of me like a monster." As much as she wants Bradley to be dead after put Dale through so much, Rinka feels it would be the best if she catch him alive. "No, I don't want her to see me that way."

Booth got a full box of files, waiting anxiously in front of the highly guarded room. "Agent Booth?" A woman comes out finally after an hour.
"They're willing to meet you." The sound of it brings a smile to his face as he step into the room.

"So you're here for agent Dale's contacts?"
"I am sir. It's critical right now and I don't think we should waste any more time."
"And why should I give you that?"
"Because of this.." He lifts the top of the box, unpacking some unseen files that Dale had been collecting on Gareth and how he would be exploited if he hadn't got killed. Everything that this man can't ignored. "Now, if you give me what I want, I will put these files back to safety and you don't have to worry about this operation being exposed to the public."
"I supposed this is the only copy?"
"Not at all....if I don't come back with Dale's contact, or if you do anything to me,there's a system that makes sure those files to be released automatically. I'm the only one who can cancel the process. And I need to do that every single day, so don't even think about doing anything in the future either."
"You're blackmailing me agent Booth?"
"Yes I am."

After contemplating for some times, the man makes a call and then someone comes in with a thumb drive. "This is the information of every contacts, hiding spot, and everything Dale used when she was working for me. Just so you know, if anything about Gareth leaked's no longer her life that's on the line, it would be yours. Is that clear?" Booth nods, "Understand."

Rinka carefully walks towards this luxurious hotel room and enter with the key card on her hand. She looks around and then sit on the bed, the edge of her dress lifted up a little bit, exposing more skin than it already has. Her eyes locked at a statue across the room that is placed right facing the front door, she smiles and then look at the clock that facing the bed. She knows someone is watching. She can't contact him to lure him out, it would be too suspicious. So all she needs to do is coming to this specific hotel room that they frequently used when they were dating. He wouldn't be able to resist.

After taking off her heels, she takes off the stocking and then walk towards the mirror that was placed next to the clock. She makes sure he sees her applying her red lipstick and adjusting her hair. Bradley once told her about a fantasy of his and this is exactly what she does, while also pretending that she doesn't know he would be watching.

While at it, she also realized that the clock not only record video but also audio, she smiles knowing that she can add a little playful monologue to tease him more. "Ah.. I should've said yes to that man at the lobby. He seems to be eager to accompany me. Should I see if he's still there?" She says before walking back to the bed and then start lifting up her dress. "Must be because that girl never gets laid, that's why I'm losing it. Is she doing celibate or something? This makes me crazy."

Suddenly she hears a knock on the door. "What?"
"Rinka right?"
"Yes, who's that? I didn't order room service or something."
"Bradley? Who?" Although she's just lying, for a moment, he's kind of disappointed that she doesn't remember his name. But his desperation to meet her makes him wants her more. Also, knowing that she doesn't remember their relationship makes him thinking that Dale failed to get Rinka on her side.

"We dated before. Don't you remember?"
"Really? Hold on." She goes to the door and open just a little bit, she doesn't want to be seems too unaware. From the gap on the door, she looks at him from top to bottom. "Uh...I'm sorry. I can't really remember you, I dated a lot in the past."
"Really? But you do remember this room."
"This? Oh, I just found a key card in my belongings after cleaning up. And then I found out the key is still valid."
"Yes. I always booked this room and never let anyone use it since we started dating."
"Really? If that so, why you're here today?"
"Oh...that... I know the receptionist and I told him to call me if you ever come back here."

She then open the door fully, let him enter the room.
"Well...then... I guess you're here to see me?"
"Of course. I miss you." He gets close to her and pulls her closer. His breath gets heavier as he lifts up her dress up to her waist. "Ah, what a good timing." She says quietly.
"Why is that?"
"I almost went back to the lobby to have a one night stand with a stranger."
"Well I guess you don't have to anymore, right?" His hands are roaming around her body, so she plays along by teasing him.

"Yes...I mean it might be better to just sleep with my ex... Or not." At that point, she's already got him and quickly inject him with a sedative. "You.... " He collapses and that gives her a chance to pull her tricks, once again.

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