Chapter 4:rebuilt

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*at scrap room*

Rat:*look around and grab with its teeth carefully*

Worker:*arrive but unnoticed about rat*

Rat:*went out*

*at outside*

Rat:*give it*(here..what's your offer for me?)

Dr M crow:*give a fried chicken*(here)

Rat:*eat it*

*at Dr M lab*


Rokugo:*look around with his temporary body*what's going on?

Chairman Wang:we retrieve your AI core from scrap room in Soul City


Jay:change the need to broke their trust

Chairman Wang:we also make new parts of your new body but take some times

Turbulentus:too bad..*laugh*

Rokugo:why you?!

Jay:Well...which robot we will built?

Mr Holmes:a robot that can be good opponents for Deltatron


Chairman Wang assistant:with that..he will take your role while we rebuilt it

Dr M:*appear at screen* the Tobot team weren't only one with minded robots


*at corridor*

Jay:*look at Rokugo*

Rokugo:we should-

Jay:no...I've won't let you relentlessly do now scrapped


Jay:and someone will hunt us for provocation

Diluk:that's not gonna happen

Jay:what is it fatso?

Diluk:*show Joko*

Joko:I've know about Beastbot than I've know how beat them


*at outside*

Few Hounderbots:*attaching parts of big robot*

Mr Holmes:it done

Chairman Wang:we should naming for that robot

Mr Holmes:what about...


Chairman Wang:that's suitable for the bot that can beat the Tobot

Many Shadow Agents:*engineering Rokugo new body*

*at New York*

Ichigo:*kick one of rouge robot*

Rouge robot:*shut down*

Nigou:*arrive with large containment cube*


Bakery owner:thanks for your help Machine Cop

Kosuke:no problem


Kosuke:huh?..*look around until saw a same girl*its her

Little girl:Android Junker leader, Black Dog is careful..don't trust him


Kiriha:what do you think?

Kosuke:what?..*look at same spot*huh?...where is she

*at lab*


Kosuke:what is it?

Sangou:we found this robot at arizona..and-

White robotic werewolf:*awake*ugh?


Kosuke:*shock until heard someone "White Wolf"*huh?

White Wolf:*saw it*Prince Zarto

Zarto:*Heading towards him*how you ended up here?

White and my crews were once with my brother..

"Black Dog"


White Wolf:but he abandoned us for hunt more...greed has control over their honor

Zarto:we dad also spread warrant for capture them before planet Unicorn is destroyed

Kosuke:*gasp*(so she...really warn me about that)

Tobot:Star Challenge(also known as the Challenge of Tobot)Where stories live. Discover now