Chapter 9:Cybernetic Armor

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*at Tobot base*



Limo:alright...witness that armor in action

Franklin:start the Armor training




Three of them:Cybernetic Armor!

*at this time..they equip their Tobot like armor*

Ryan:we use this before but since it also cause us a lot trouble


Dylan:*saw few Blockbots*there they are

Few Blockbots:*ready to attack*


X:*appear as hologram*..Ryan..use my Power Smash

Ryan:like this?..*charging towards one of Blockbot while spinning*aaaah!..*hit it causing it down*

Franklin:are you alright Ryan?!


Kory:*fly around*although I've has a wings but this is cool

Y:yeah...try use my Thunderbolt

Kory:*grab a lightning*like this?

Y:yeah...and throw it

Kory:alright!...Thunder..bolt!*throw it*

*but he miss and instead hit Tice portal*



*at result*

Almudron:*appear from the portal while wrecking havoc*


Z:try use my Spider Blast

Dylan:OK...Spider Blast!*appearing it and shot a spider Web projectile on Almudron snout*

Almudron:*struggling causing ramming out from the base*

Ryan:it heading towards academy!

*at Tobot academy*

Many academy students:*run away in fear*

Almudron:*try removing the Spider Blast projectile*

Ryan:this way!

Kory:*in his Draconian form while followed by Dundon*

Almudron:*unleashed its corrosive substance causing turning dirt into a mud*

Kory:*step on the mud and feel pain*ouch!..that's hurt!

Almudron:*try to escape*

Drabot:*arrive* think you can get away from us?!

Almudron:*use its mud to attack*

Drabot:Photon Blast!..*Blast it*

*as they face against Almudron...Feneka appear*

Feneka:Almudron were not know what is going on!? was scare due to unfamiliar surrounding

Ryan:sure is

Dundon:*let Ryan ride on his back and fly towards Almudron*

Ryan:we need to lead it away from here

Dundon:*hit it with his tail*

Almudron:*look at it and chase it*

*at plains*

Tice:this way!

Ryan:thanks...*look at Almudron*wait for it

Almudron:*chasing but miss due to Dundon evade and went to the portal*


Tice:*turn it off*


*at Tobot academy*

Many workers:*cleaning the muds*

Kory:*has bruises*

Dolly:don't do silly things like that ever again

Kory:yeah yeah

Tobot:Star Challenge(also known as the Challenge of Tobot)Where stories live. Discover now