22- doesn't matter

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astoria greengrass

astoria greengrass
can you back off of my boyfriend

hello to you too

astoria greengrass
i'm not kidding you need to leave
him alone

idk what your guys' relationship
is like, but it doesn't involve me

astoria greengrass
i'm not stupid i know you like him

draco is dating you not me

astoria greengrass
so you're not going to deny that you
like him

he chose you, i've never had or will
have a problem with his choice

astoria greengrass
so you're jealous of me

i don't know where you go that idea
from, i've never said anything
remotely like that

astoria greengrass
just stay away from him you're in
love with him,
which is understandable, but he's
MY boyfriend

i know that he's you bf i just said
that i was fine with it
i've made no actions or done anything
suggestive so there's no need to worry
please don't message me again


DRACO LOOKED UP at the sound of his door opening. even though everyone was at his house, they all kind of did their own things. they'd stayed over so often that they had their own rooms in the manor.

"hi," scarlett closed the door.

"what's up?" he put his phone down.

"did i do something wrong? o-or did you maybe say something to astoria? because if i'm making you uncomfor-"

"why would you say that?" he stood up, walking towards where she awkwardly stood by his door.

"astoria. she just texted me."

"what did she say now?" astoria was starting to get on his nerves. maybe it was a good idea to end things soon.

"nothing. it doesn't matter. i just wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with you." scarlet spun around, opening his door.

draco was quick to hold the door closed. also, effectively trapping scarlett.

"red. what did she say?"

she spun around, looking up at him with wide eyes. "like it said, it doesn't matter."

"it does, i want to know scarlett." his hand came up to cup her cheek.

subconsciously, she leaned into his hand. draco was always warm, which was part of the reason they'd gotten so close as kids. scarlett was always cold and draco was always warm, so it made sense they were always together.

at her silence, he clenched his jaw, "if you don't want to tell me, at least let me see the texts."

she hesitated for a moment before handing him her phone. it was the first conversation, so it wasn't hard for him to read.

just yours, draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now