41- first time

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARLING," draco didn't like to woken up early, but the sight of his girlfriend wasn't all that bad to wake up to.

"thank you, red," his voice was still raspy from sleeping.

"i have something for you," she slipped out of bed, revealing that she was only wearing panties.

"stop looking at my bum," she spun around with a small black box in her hands.

he smirked, "if you'd move your hands down a but, i could stare at your tits instead."

scarlett scrunched up her nose but dropped her hands whilst she walked back to him. "only because it's your birthday."

"i don't even need the present. just stay like this all day. or take off the panties if you want."

"hush. now open your present."

it was a small black box with a satin ribbon tied on it. scarlett was always one for presents, making sure each one was perfect and the wrapping matched the recipient's vibe.

"are you proposing to me, red," he teased as he pulled the ribbon off, "i hate to break it to you but that's my job. and i was going to wait a bit."

"i'll go get dressed if you keep annoying me," she glared. or at least tried to.

"it's my birthday, aren't i meant to have some grace?" draco arched a brow.

"just open the present for merlin's sake!"

"okay, okay," he opened the lid and stared down at the contents.

"well?" despite knowing him so well, scarlett couldn't always tell what draco was thinking. he wasn't exactly expressive.

"when did you have this made?" he pulled the platinum ring out of the box.

"i sent it off the day we signed the papers," the first ring was a thick band with a piece of the old countertop from the flat they just purchased. the place was renovated before they bought it, but the old countertop was still downstairs, and draco said he thought black counters were cool. so scarlett grabbed a piece while he wasn't paying attention and had it sent off to be made into a ring for him.

"and this one, it's interesting," unlike the other ring, which had been professionally made, the second one was not-and you could tell.

"it's kinda terrible, i know," she bit her lip," but i the guy said i was actually really good for my first time!"

"what? your first time?" his brows furrowed as his inspected the ring in his hand.

"yeah. there's this little shop in hogsmeade, it's kinda really sketchy, but they make jewelry and stuff. i told the guy i was looking for something for you and he suggested teaching me how to make a ring. so we poured the platinum and everything."

"you made this?"

"i'd like to think a professional would have done a much better job than i did."

"salazar, i love you."

"i love you too," scarlett grinned as he slipped both of the rings on his hands.

"now gimme my birthday kiss."


scarlettnott posted

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