Chapter 3: Make a to do list

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     Another thing about your grind is that you need to make a to do list. A to do list will lay all your goals down on a list and also give you schedule to go by. A note pad, a daily planner, or even the calandar app on your/a smartphone can easily help you create your to do list. Doing this will bring a lot more organization into your life, and elevate you higher positions in life. Someone who makes a to do list is going after personal goals in life. Success is what you make it, I'mma say that again, success is what you make it, what YOU, make it. Not what nobody else makes it. Not what Society makes it. Your success is not what your best friend makes it. Your success is not what your girlfriend and or boyfriend makes it. Your success is not wht your siblings make it. Your success is not what your aunts, your uncles, or your cousins make it. Your success is not what you neighbor makes it. Your success is not what your favorite music artist, actor, actress, nba, nfl, mlb player, or any other celebrity in the world. Your success is not what he leader of your country you live in makes it. Your success is not what a religious leader makes it. Your success is determined simply only by you, and one example of reaching your own success is making a to do list and work towards these goals. The more goals you set for yourself on your to do list, is just you creating new levels of success for yourself, and elevating yourself in life and in your personal life. The whole purpose of making a to do list is to work on you and yourself. Work on yourself, and everything else in life with work out for you. You should always make ways to make your to do list something fun for you to do. Find creative and fun ways to reach your goals on your to do list, that way, it won't seem like a boring thing and task to do on your list of things. I'll give you one example of that from my own to do list. Every day on my to do list in my calander on my phone, I have "get money by any means necessary", so therefore, I make fun ways to get money, so I can get that part of my to do list done. Your to do list, is just you, keeping yourself up on top of your game, and I'm pretty sure that everyone and their mama wants to be operating and operational at tip top shape. Getting your goals on your to do list done is just like being loyal to yourself, and one thign you should never do in life, is be disloyal to yourself. Think about the things that you need to do, or want to do, and write it  down, type it in your phone, whatever you need to do, and go after it. push yourslef, because your time and your mind matters. Fous on your goal, and go get to it. If you believe it, you can acheieve it.Good things happen to those who stay true to themselves, and your to do list, is a reflection of who you are, your true self, so be true to you. Be good to yourself. Remember, this is your grind. Time is money, and you don't want to waste neither one, time, nor money. In this book, I am going to give you so many tips, and tricks, to improve your grind, and your hustle. In this book, I will help you keep, and keep sucess in your life, everyday of your life, for the rest of your life, from the very moment you bagan to read the first sentence of chapter one, up to this point. Because if you are reading this far in this book, first off, thank you, reader, for reading this. You my friend, will be so happy after you realize, that your broke days, are over. If you got a doctors appointment, put it in there, that's important. Part of the point of your to do list, is organization in your life. 

     Another part of the point of your to do list, is to seperate you from things that are unhealthy for you in life. If you're trying to reach a goal, you're not trying to be held up with obstacles that are in your way. The point of this is, that you will see the things and people that are for you, and the things and people that are not for you. Every step of your way of metting your goals on your to do list, your path will begin show you new things, and reveal things to you. You want to do this, because you don't want to stay stagnant in life. While you make, build, and do your to do list, a lot of things will become more clearer for you in life. This is because your to do list is making you more focused, and goal oriented. The more focused you are in life, the better. Lack of focus will drive your life into chaos. You want to keep full control of your life, and you can't do that being unfocused in life. Once you get your focus, don't lose it. IF you lose your focus, don't worry, you can always get back on track and get focused again. If people start to try and say you're acting differently or so called changed on them just because you are doing things to do and complete your goals on your to do list, don't worry about them, you're not acting funny, they are, they're saying these things because you're doing less of what they want you to do, and more of what you not only want to do, but also what you need to do. Use that to your advantage, because all you are doing is elevating yourself and your life. If they can't understand that you just have a plan you have put into place, and you're setting these personal goals in your life, these people aren't really for you. Don't ignore the signs while you are trying to make a better life and living for you what life is telling you is being a detriment to you and your life.

     Making a to do list is an essential part of staying organized and productive. It helps you prioritize tasks, set goals, and keep track of your progress. A to do list can also help you stay focused on the most important tasks and avoid procrastination. By making a to do list, you can ensure that all your tasks are completed in a timely manner and that nothing is forgotten or overlooked. The benefits of making a to do list include increased productivity, improved time management skills, better organization, and greater satisfaction with the results of your work. it can help reduce stress by giving you a sense of control over your day-to-day life. With the right to do list, you can make sure that all your tasks are completed on time and with minimal effort. So if you want to stay on top of things and get more done in less time, making a to do list is the way to go!

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