(MS) Chapter 6

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OK, So I didn't release this on Sunday since I had school and woke up sick. Anyways I'll be back to making or at least trying to make 1 chapter every day. And of course I'm making this at midnight am or pm idk how it works just late at night or REALLY early in the morning. So yea, on with the chapter!


As you wake up you hear talking outside. You can't understand until you put on the earpiece Sheldon gave you.

Shiver: "Are you sure it's down there?"

Frye: "Yes, you can even see it says right there!"

Big Man: "But isn't Y/N's friend down there?"

Shiver: "I think so, I'm getting readings of movement down there, but how is Y/N going to go down there?"

Frye: "I don't know but if he joins them, he'll be helping them get to the treasure first."

You put on clothes and step out of your room. It sounds like they are in the living room. You never really got to look around the apartment. When you get there, you see a TV in the middle with bookshelves on the side, then there's the trio sitting on the couch talking to each other.

Y/N: "What's happening?"

Shiver: "Oh uhm... Okay, so you know how I told you not to go into that grate again?"

Y/N: "Yea? What about that?"

Fyre: "We've recently been getting readings from down below the crater from possible treasure locations."

Shiver: "And we're planning to go down there to grab it, but your friends are down there. Agent 3 I think it was, but we don't know how we're going to get you down there since they know you."

Y/N: "Can't we just go down there and get it without them noticing?"

Big Man: "We can't really since they have already started doing kettles to get to the treasure before us, so by the time we get there we'll have to fight them."

Y/N: "What if I betray them?"

Nebula: "What?! You can't do that! They trust us and now we're just going to break their trust like that?"

Nebula had come out of her room while the 4 of you were talking.

Y/N: "How else do you think we should do it then?"

Nebula: "I'm not saying we shouldn't do it but I feel like that's a bit too mean."

Aura: "Aw c'mon who even cares? Let's just go down there backstab them, get the treasure, and never look back. It's simple really."

Nebula slapped Aura across the face.

Nebula: "We are agents! Why can't we just talk to them and see if we can split the treasure!"

Aura: "When has that ever worked? We are talking about treasure here. They aren't going to give that up easily."

Nebula: "Hmph, if you guys are you to go backstab them, then I'm not going!"

Aura: "Oh no!!!! But now you can't protect Y/N, what are we going to do without you!" Aura said seemingly mocking Nebula.

Nebula: "You really get on my nerves sometimes you know."

Aura: "So, what's the plan then? Should we go backstab them or go ask them to hand over the treasure?"

Nebula: "Fine, you win."

Shiver: "It's settled then. You three join them and gain their trust, then when they try and get the treasure you distract them or something so we can get it before they even realize" Shiver said while grinning.

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Y/N: "Alright, seems like a good plan."

Aura: "It's the best plan we've got"

Nebula: "I still don't like this.."

Aura: "It's alright they won't even know we betrayed them until we're already long gone."

Nebula: "Fine..."

Fyre: "Okay! Let's get going then!"

You all get into the car and head into the desert towards the crater. You see all sorts of weird things like boats, old ruined buildings, cars, and is that the Eiffel Tower?

Y/N: "Uh, what is that?"

Frye: "I think it's an artifact from human times, scientists have closed it off so no one messes with it and so they can as study it."

Nebula: "That's the Eiffel Tower!"

Y/N: "Yea, that's what I thought too."

Aura: "What year is it again?"

Shiver: "Year 122058."

Y/N: "Wow, that's a long time..."

As you get to the crater you see the huge hole in the middle where you fought Octavio. Where did he even go? You didn't see him when everyone fell. You see a platform in neat where you are standing that has Cuttlefish's makeshift tent.

Shiver: "O...okay, let's go I guess."

As you jump onto the platform you see a little drawing on a chair inside the tent. It shows an Inkling using a gun. Is this one of the agents?

Frye: "C'mon we have to get going before they make it to the treasure!"

Y/N: "Okay okay, let's go then."

The three of you make your way down the crater retracing the steps you took with Sophia or Agent 3. As you make your way to the bottom you see the big hole.

Shiver: "So how do we get down?"

Frye: "Maybe there's some other way to get down. Y/N said that they saw agent 3 at Sheldon's so she must've had a way to get up!"

Y/N: "Isn't that a ladder over there?"

You find a ladder leading down the hole on the side.

Shiver: "Isn't that a bit too dangerous?

Frye: "Nope! C'mon, let's go down before they've taken the treasure!"

You guys make your way down the ladder one by one until you reach the bottom. You notice what seems to be a campsite and kettles scattered around the place. The ground is covered in snow but it isn't cold and it doesn't feel like anything, is it even snow?

Y/N: " This place is creepy."

Shiver: "Yeah I don't like this place."

You hear talking in the distance as it gets closer and closer.

Frye: "Okay, stick with the plan and try to buy us as much time as you can. We'll meet back at the jeep after dark okay?"

Y/N: "Got it."

The trio leaves stealthily as the talking gets ever closer until you see agent 3 surrounded by 3 figures, one with a cap that was drawn in the painting in cuttlefish's tent, they have raggy clothes that look like they have been sown together and they are wearing flip-flops. The 2nd one however is an Inkling with black hair fading to yellow at the end. She wears a black suit black pants and some black high heels. The 3rd one is basically the complete opposite of the 2nd. She has white hair, a white coat, black pants, and black shoes.

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