Chapter 53

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"Fucking Cauldron, how many godsdamn hairpins are in here?"

Gwyn sighed in relief as Azriel plucked another from her scalp, making her less like a pincushion with every single one removed. Hair floating across her shoulders with every curl undone.

"Nesta is a sadist. I don't know how she stands this all day," she said, chuckling, squirming at the soft press of lips to the side of her neck, her body becoming warmer than the bathwater they were in.

Once their hearts had finally slowed, Azriel had carried her from the bed to the bathing chamber. Dutiful inky darkness whirled and dashed ahead to light candles and fill the bath. She'd convinced the shadowsinger to join her in the water, where he massaged her body and cleansed her skin.

Embraced by his strong arms, treasured and safe. So very safe.

Safe, surrounded in a mist infused with their cedar and water lilies, bathed in soft shadows playing against the candlelight.

The handsome, mysterious Illyrian warrior, with a past full of darkness, falls in love with the humble priestess, finding her place in the world, and reclaiming her passions. A couple madly in love. A story worth writing about. Although, the plot twist; she was his mate—unknown to him.

There was a split second as Azriel had held her, still buried inside her after they'd made love. A fleeting moment where the golden ribbon flowed toward him, where Gwyn thought he was going to say those words. That he'd sensed it, too.

You are my first, Gwyn.

His words were pure and genuine. A confession and a declaration. As if Gwyn was indeed his first, she would also be his last. And all the while, the golden ribbon inside fluttered as it had on the wooden beam. A beam the shadowsinger had installed. For her. For his mate.

Mother above. Azriel, the male she loved—trusted—with all she had, was her mate. She had a mate. Shadows swirled in the surrounding vapor, the air raising bumps on her dewy skin.

Oh Cauldron, did the shadows suspect?

Would they inform him?

Shouldn't she tell him?

Why didn't he feel it?

Questions cascaded through her brain like an avalanche in the Steppes. In her role as a priestess, Gwyn had studied for years the lore and rituals surrounding mating bonds. She was well-versed.

But this? This required more research. She needed to refresh on the specifics, the logistics before she did anything rash. Today. Gwyn would visit the library today.

Because there was so much to consider. She had to be certain, even as the low hum inside her chest vibrated with peace solely by being near him.

"While I enjoy the access to your lovely neck," Azriel crooned as his lips drifted over damp skin to her shoulder, drawing Gwyn away from her anxious mind. Hair finally freed and tumbled down like a fiery waterfall. His long fingers delved into her locks, gently combing through the plait-set waves. "I missed this more."

A bright smile stretched across Gwyn's face as she leaned into his touch. Her heart squeezed when he sweetly nuzzled her cheek. Felt his smile against her skin. He stopped his fingers over the braid, which was still woven like a diadem.

" seems I missed yet another fucking pin," he said, lifting her hair to expose the offending metal. "Wait. No, there are two. For fuck's sake, Nesta truly is a sadist. Why in the Cauldron do females do this?"

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