Chapter 1 {Nice Too Meet You}

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Y/n's POV:

I found myself sleeping in the library I fell asleep while studying I look at the time and saw I was late for class "oh shit" I said to myself while fixing myself.

After class

It was lunch time and I was really hungry because I fell asleep while studying I was eating lunch and a boy who was handsome and cute and at the same time hot I said "hi nice to meet you?" And he just stared at he "your pretty you know" he said while smiling "umm... Yeah I think"

The bell ring "I need to go bye" I said while grabbing my stuff.

My next class was science and at science we are gonna make a project about the solar system "alright class today you are gonna make a project eac-" the teacher was interrupted by someone the boy who was sitting in front of me earlier.

"Oh sorry" the boy said the teacher said "your late kai" oh so kai is his name "ok so I was about to say was each one of you is gonna have a partner" the teacher called out names to pair with.

And me and kai were the last one so the teacher pair us he came to me and said "hi nice to meet you my name is kai" "hi my name is y/n nice too meet you too" I said with a soft smile

After class

I met kai in the lookers "hey y/n! " he said while running to me "oh hey kai! So where are we gonna do the project at your or mine?" "Can we do yours my place is kinda a dump right now" he said while scratching the back of he's neck shyly "sure why not" I said

We arrive at my place I live alone because live in a apartment "welcome" I said while opening the door "I like your place it's uquie" he said.

"Thanks I tried to make it work and I think it did" I said while fixing some stuff "I write the whole thing that the teacher said to us so we won't forget a thing" I said

I grab somethings in the storage room for our project we need to make a diorama of the solar system and I also ordered pizza because why not.

We started our project with a box to be our base and chopsticks to hold the planets.

As I was working on the project kai keep staring at me and I notice how beautiful he is and majestic I ask him "is something wrong" "nope" he said "why did you sit in front of me and stared at me?" I ask I was wondering why he saw starting at me.

"Just like what I said to you earlier your beautiful" he said and I just continue working and suddenly a two pair of hands grab my hands and pinnned me to the floor.

Kai just stared at me and when he's about to kiss me the doorbell ring "are we expecting someone?" I said as we both look at the door.

When I opened the door it was the pizza "order for miss y/n" the delivery guy said "how much?" I said while opening my wallet "$48" he said "here you go have a nice day" "thanks you too" he said "I ordered pizza it's Hawaiian" I said "yum my favourite" he said while grabing a slice.

Time pass it was almost midnight and our project was finish and when I looked at kai he fell asleep he was so cute I stared at him for a bit and put a blanket on top of him and as I was about grab a pillow.

Kai pulled me in the blankets and hug my waist and I felt Butterflies in my stomach I thought he was already asleep but I guess not and I fell asleep while he hug my waist.

Hey y'all it's been a long time since I write a story but I'll make more love y'all ❤❤❤

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