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We went down and saw Damien had helped himself with coffee.
“Damn it I am so sorry again. I got so excited that I forgot to make you coffee”.
“It is OK Tria love. I helped myself already. Are we ready to go?”
Lucy chirped in her cheery voice.
“I was born ready. Most especially, born ready to shop! Let's haul ass ladies!”
Damien chuckled and replied.
“Sure. I've called our Uber. They're waiting right outside. Shall we ladies?”
Wow that was fast. Lucy buzzed outside. Obviously trying to see who the driver was and if he was a hottie.
I smiled at Damien. He was trying to compensate for his absence and I really appreciated it.
“Thanks a lot Da. You've made our day you know.”
“It is nothing darling. Let's shop to our hearts content and talk too. You have to tell me how you've been this whole time! I wanted every little detail.”
Damien and his consideration for me. Sigh.... This was something I had really missed. I had Lucy and I loved that but having another bestie was awesome as well!

Turns out the driver was a hottie and Lucy called dibs on the front seat. Well I definitely was not going to argue it with her. I will her flirt to her heart's content today. I wanted to talk a bit more to Damien.
I wonder what he had been up to these days.....



Angelo had planned to visit Astria's work place and catch a glimpse of her. He only knew where that was. Besides, she would probably be on shift right? He thought to himself.
He put on another hat and went to the bar.
From the glass doors at the entrance of the bar, he spotted a lady. But sadly, she was not Astria. She was easily noticeable.
Did she have a day off?
“Damn it! I should come back later!” He spun on his heels and walked home. Another non-eventful day was waiting for him back home. Today was going to be a major bore and he  could see that already.



“Oh my gosh! We are in the most expensive boutique in City D right now! Damien, do you want to go bankrupt?! Let's go to some cheaper place”
“Pfft don't insult me Lucy. Come with me.”
Damien led her towards the reception and the female receptionist behind the counter looked at them suspiciously.
“Good morning and sorry, we are not taking any applications. There is no vacancy here”
Lucy felt her insides burn with anger and thought to herself.
“What the fuck did this counter lady just say to my bestie? She was fucking dead!”
A part of her tried to reason that they did not look like people who shopped in elite and elegant boutiques. But she had no right to look down on them like that!
“Listen lady. You have absolutely no right whatsoever! How dare you talk to my friend like that! So rude! Come on Damien, let's leave this place. We can shop somewhere better!”
She hoped Damien would take  the hint and decided to leave. There was no way he could afford shopping in this place!

Damien was really pissed off but kept his expression neutral.
What was this lady thinking?
Was she trying to ruin my friends shopping?
He dialed a number that would solve all these issues. She was too little for him to handle.
“Hey bro. You in the cube?”
“Sure dude. Right in my office.”
“Come down. I've got a surprise.”
“Sure! I'll be down.”
He ended the call and watched Lucy battle with the reception lady.
Astria looked at him concerned. He winked at her and she calmed down almost immediately.

“What is going on here Stephanie? What with this commotion...... What the hell... Bro you're here?! ”
Drake, Damien's  younger brother and the only family he really had rushed towards him and hugged him tightly.
“I've missed you! So this was your surprise? You're on town? Why did you not tell me! How dare you not...... ”
“Drake? Is that you?”
Lucy turned towards Damien's younger brother and asked with a shocked look on her face.
“Sugar boo! It really is you!”
The two rushed towards each other and hugged themselves. Astria smiled widely and Damien stared. Confused as ever, he motioned to Astria.
Astria smiled at him and whispered.
“Long story, I'll explain later.”
Well this was really interesting! I am  looking forward to it. Damien thought.
“Hello Astria sweetheart. How are you big sis?”
“I'm OK sugar boo. How's the cube going?”
“Sweet! Business has been raging! You here to take up on my shopping offer?”
“Actually we're here on our friend's request. He wanted to take Lucy shopping.”
“Hold up! You guys know my bro?”
“Hold up boo! Damien us your brother?! Hee is an annoying jerk! But this is your store sugar cube? I had no idea it was this big! Not exactly what I had in mind when you said you had started a business! I am so impressed! Sis is so proud of you boo.” Lucy said as she looked around the boutique with an impressed look on her face.
Damien was getting much more confused.
Just how did these three know each other? He thought What exactly had happened in my absence?
“Bro I had no idea you know my big sisters. I am so glad about this! They're the ones I talk about all the time. But first, why did you not come up to see me immediately?”
Lucy then spoke up and Damien snickered as he thought to himself Oops! The poor lady was dead.
“Apparently sugar boo, someone thought we were here to drop applications. Looks like we've become jobless boo. Can you believe it?!”
“what! Who dares? Who is so stupid?”
“This receptionist lady. Damien brought us here to shop and she insulted us straight up!”
Damien definitely knew what game Lucy is playing. She should sign up for best performing actress! She was top notch and deserved an Oscar.
He knew quite well she won't let

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