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“No more Da! I am tired.”
“Just this one last outfit...”
“I said no Da. You and Lucy belong together with your crazy shopping ways!”
“I swear it is the last one! And I need you to try this out please.”
He made that cute expression and I knew I was trapped! I could not escape that cuteness. It was my weakness and he knew it!
“Arrgh! With you being so cutesy and hot, how dare I object.”
I snatched the dress from his hands and looked at it. It was ball dress but black and much more modern. In short I was beautiful!
“Oh my goodness! This is so beautiful! You have good tastes Da.”
“I know Tria honey. I want us to go out with it some time. What do you think?”
“Place,time and I will be available!”
“I love you Tria”
Awwn! My boo was so cute.
“And I love you too Da.”
I tried on the dress and it fit perfectly. Like a glove. I looked closer and noticed it had a slit on it. All the way to the mid thigh.
My, my what was with this style? But somehow I loved it!
I stepped out of the changing room and walked towards him.
“I knew this would work out well. Like the slit?”
“I fuckin love it! It gives off a bossy vibe. Plus I would definitely love to step on some toes in it!”
“Haha you really have changed Astria.”
“Yep and I am so thankful that I have. My views on the world have broadened. All thanks to that piece of advice you gave me then.”
“And I am glad you took it.”
“Well let's move then. We have to go get Lucy.”
“Yea something tells me she's about to raid this store. Cause they sure have a lot of pretty dresses here.”
“Oh nooo!”
I rushed out left Damien behind. Lucy was going to pack this store into a shopping bag and make Damien pay!
I had to stop her.

Lucy glared at both her friends and raised her voice in anger.
“Wahhhh! You guys should not have stopped me! I was having an epic shopping experience! You both ruined it! Hmpf!”
Damien looked at Lucy and almost choked on his laughter. Heaven forbid he dared to laugh out loud.
This banshee would have my head and my ears for lunch. He thought.
“Did I just hear you chuckle Damien?”
“I dare not Miss and I am terribly sorry about your ruined shopping experience. We will visit the place in the near future. When you have gotten tired of the entire closet you got!”
“Yayy and I did not get a whole closet you brat! I just got a few clothes!”
The way she said it in a matter of fact way made it seem she had taken a dress or two.
But far from it for Lucy to do such. She had more that forty dresses on her and that did not even cover half of the stuff she bought. Damien did not fail to mention other accessories she fell in love with and bought at his expense.
Well she did manage to crack the bank account but just a little. He barely went shopping as he had little to no time. And his bro was making more than enough for a family of five. So was he.
There was no one else to spend it on. These two were like family to me so why not them?
He lay back in my seat content as the Uber drove to Astria's place.


“I definitely hope you are not going now?”
“Naaa it is just afternoon. We have a lot of time to spend together. What do you think we should be doing?”
I looked into Damien's eyes and we spoke almost immediately.
“Uh, uh. No way you two weirdos are ruining this afternoon by watching rom-com! Can't you at least consider your wonderful bestie Lucy who isn't ready for some horrifying romance?”
Sigh.... I was pretty sure Lucy was the only human... No strike that, the only alien who found rom-com horrifying. I asked her once why she hated it and her reply was.
“I see no reason why any one should watch something so baseless. There is probably nothing like romance anyway. Talk more of this! It is so annoying!”
I never asked her anything about rom-com after that. Her opinion was hers.
“Well sorry Lucy love. It is a Da and Tria tradition. You can either take it or leave it!”
“So you two can actually conspire against me? The person you love the most in the world?”
Pfft! She deserved an Oscar! Lucy could change moods and expression probably faster than I could say Jack!
What I did not know was why she never took a major in theater arts. It suited her perfectly.
“It is just not my calling.”
I stared at her. I knew she was an alien.
“Forget it Lucy. We are watching a Rom-com and that is final! Are you coming or are you going to use the hot date excuse?”
“Fineee.. You got me I'll join you guys but never ever will this happen again! It's because our precious Damien has been away for so long and he provided us with a new closet. This is my way of saying thank you.”
Pfft this girl was hilarious. But still I commend her!
“Thank you for giving us the time of day, your majesty! We appreciate the huge sacrifice.”
“You are welcome to my humble subjects! Now who is ready for some terrible rom-com?”
I smiled as Lucy grabbed Damien's arm and dragged him. We were going to have a blast!

Lucy stretched out and as usual, began to complain.
“Damn that took forever!”
“I totally loved the movie Da what do you think?”
“It was epic!”
“Well who's hungry?”
“I sure as hell am! Let's get some take out. I'm starving.”
Sigh....lazy banshee.
“Come on Lucy, Tria hun get up.”
Two of them looked at Damien and asked simultaneously.
“We are going to Ricky's for some nice food and we are not eating any junk!”
“Argh! With all the drama there and this morning, I really do not want to go to Ricky's. I do not know if I still have a damn job at this point!”
“That absurd thing to say Astria. Ricky would not fire you for something as lame as people trolling you over what's not your fault!”
“What about you Da. What do you think?”
“I am with Lucy on this one but if he does decide to fire you, give me a call. You'll have a new job in an instant!”
“Thanks for the encouragement though. OK I feel good about this now. Let's go to Ricky's!”
“That's the spirit!”
He called another Uber and they were on their  way when he got a text from one of the guys. Angelo to be precise.
“Hey bruh? Managed to snag some hot dude or what 🤪”
Fuckin crazy. He thought. Angelo was bothered  about who he was hitting on or not. His phone went up again. It was from Troy this time.
“Hot date?👀”
Pfft! Well it was true to a point.
His dates for tonight were brutally hot!
He had no time to even reply when Helia's text came in. Almost like clock work. It suddenly occurred to him.
They were all texting him at once and they knew!
“Hope you have fun tonight bro. You deserve some down time”
He could picture them in the living room laughing their heads off. All except Helia of course. Damn kids.
He texted Helia back. Knowing fully well that he was the only sane person in our band.
“I am having an awesome time thanks bro and tell those jerks to back off.”
He sent back a laughing emoji
Suddenly he had an idea.
“Hey Tria love, Lucy.... Let's do a video, yea?”
“Sure let's!”
“He  opened my camera app and began videoing and unexpectedly, Astria took the lead. It was always Lucy who did that. Wow!”
“Yooo guys. It is your sexy vixen Tria darling and with me here is Lucy my b and Da my darling. Two people I love to bits!”
“How come I'm just your b and Damien is your darling? It is not fair!”
“Hush banshee! I am not so loud and Tria loves me too ya know.”
“Yea but girl love is stronger.”
“Well sorry about that hun. Da is my baby.”
Astria moved towards him and gave a peck on the lips.
“See? Sealed with a kiss!”
“How cruel don't you love me anymore?”
“Ok, ok of course I love you silly.”
She pecked Lucy and the lips and Lucy gave Damien an evil grin and came closer to him. He had already set the phone on the car door to cover the whole of the backseat.
Lucy sat at the back with me  this time because the driver was middle-aged and definitely not her type.  The girl was something else.
“So guys, since Lucy the sweet but entertaining soul is also in this video, I am going to be showing you one of Damien's oldest weaknesses!”
Oh no she wasn't going to......
Damien nearly lost it as Lucy pounced on him and began to tickle his sides.
“Haha, hahaha, hahaha. Let........ Gulp. Let me go!”
“No! This is for calling me a banshee!”
“Tria love help!”
“Backup is on the way bestie!”
Tria pounced on Lucy and started tickling her belly. Lucy went wild and thrashed. Damien immediately held her down and joined Astria in tickling her.
“Nooooooo mer...... Mercy please.”
He stopped and suddenly, his eyes and Lucy's came into contact.
They had one enemy left to tackle and she was staring wide eyed right in front of them!

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