Part 1

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Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you did something differently? How different things would have ended up for you if you changed one little detail of a conversation or changed the smallest little detail of your routine?

If you were given the chance to fix the mistakes of another version of yourself, would you take it?


The sun was shining brightly high in the sky, slowly melting away the snow that blanketed the earth below as fluffy clouds slowly floated their way across the blue expanse that encased the world around us.

Stormfly and I sped our way across the ocean just a few days after Snoggletog, wanting to just spend time flying together to give her some time away from her hatchlings.

I let out a happy sigh as I closed my eyes and relaxed my body, just enjoying the wind hitting my face as we flew. For it being the middle of winter, the weather today was impeccable.

"Isn't this nice girl? Just you and me, stretching your wings. Haven't done this in a while, huh?" I asked as I scratched the back of her head underneath her head spikes.

Stormfly squawked in agreement and let out a content purr as I scratched.

My attention was then broken from my task as I felt something hit me on the head. I touched where the thing had hit and felt it was slightly wet. I then looked around the sky to see if there was any sign of a storm coming and my eyes widened when more raindrops began to hit Stormfly and I as a huge storm was coming our way.

"Stormfly!" I yelped as I clung to her, signaling that we should leave.

As we turned to head back to Berk, the storm caught up to us and obscured our vision as we got drenched from the onslaught of rain drops pelting their way through the sky. Stormfly tried the best she could to fly through the harsh wind and rain, but it was becoming very difficult. I clung onto her the best I could, hiding my face to try and keep from getting hurt from how harsh the rain was.

After what felt like ages, Stormfly was jolted so badly by the harsh winds that I was bucked off her back. I screamed as I fell, covering my face as I made it closer and closer to the waters below.

Then everything went black.


I groaned in pain as I came to, slowly sitting up as I opened my eyes with a hand to my head.

"Where am I..?"

Once my vision was clear, I looked around to take in my surroundings, physically relaxing when I noticed I was washed up on a beach close to the docks on Berk. I then took a heavy breath and stood, brushing off as much sand as I possibly could from my clothes and wiping my hair out of my face.

I then took my hair out of the thick braid I always kept it in to ring out as much water as I could. After a few strong twists I contemplated putting it back up, but then decided against it until I could properly dry my hair with a cloth at my hut. I tied the leather bands around my wrist then began to make the trek back to the village. The farther I walked, the more I could feel the ice forming in my hair and my clothes stiffening up from how cold it was.

When I made it to the plaza, my eyes widened from both shock and confusion. My mind was racing as I saw that all the decorations for Snoggletog were still up, but the weird thing was, it looked as though we were still in the process of putting everything up. Which made no sense because just yesterday we got the last of the decorations down. Not to mention, there wasn't a single dragon going about the village like there was when Stormfly and I left earlier in the day.

I ignored the greetings from people as I passed them on my way home, but then froze when I heard an all too familiar voice.

I quickly ran and hid behind one of the huts as I saw none other than myself walk past, my eyes wide in pure shock.

HTLANF AU: How to Remedy MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now