Part 3

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About 7 Years Later

After the other me apologized for her actions, she kept her word and stayed away from Hiccup and Kala. Which also meant leaving the Dragon Riders.

Although, after a couple weeks passed, it was becoming very noticeable that she was struggling with doing day to day things around the village with how active Hiccup and Kala were around the island. So much so, that when it reached the one month mark, Other Me left Berk behind.

I'm not entirely sure where she ended up. But from what I have heard from this realm's version of my parents, she does keep in contact.

When a couple months had passed after Other Me left, I finally decided to reveal who I was to the tribe and stop hiding behind Ella. They were all shocked at first, but that was to be expected.

I've been living as myself ever since, taking the other me's spot in the Dragon Riders and I even became a shieldmaiden as I waited for the day that I could come across that storm and finally make my way back home.


A couple days after Hiccup and Kala's wedding, the three of us decided to take a break from everything on the island and just have fun with Rainstorm.

I stretched on Rainstorm's back with a content sigh of relief as I basked in the sunbeams. For it being winter, it was impeccable weather today.

I glanced over at Hiccup and Kala and smiled at them, which they returned happily. Hiccup was in his dragon form this time while Kala rode on his back in human form. After everything that happened a few months ago, Kala hasn't really been transforming that much. Which is understandable. She's still rather deep into the miscarriage depression, but today she seems to be doing better.

I looked forward again and urged Rainstorm to go a bit faster, but my attention was broken as she sped up when I felt something land on my head. I touched where it landed and noticed that it was damp, then I looked around to see if there were any rain clouds.

"You okay Astrid?" I heard Kala ask and I looked over at her and Hiccup.

"Y-yeah. I just felt a raindrop land on me is all." I said as I went back to looking around, my brows furrowing when I felt more rain drops land on me.

My eyes widened when I saw a huge storm coming our way, then it finally clicked and my eyes widened further as a smile came to reside on my lips.

"Finally.." I breathed.

"Is that what I think it is?" Kala asked as Hiccup came up to Rainstorm's side, all of us looking at the storm as it grew nearer and nearer.

"It sure is. I can finally go home." I said with glee, but a hint of sadness as I looked over at my friends with a sad smile. "You two may wanna head back before you're dragged into my realm along with me."

They gave me sad smiles of their own and Hiccup got as close to Rainstorm and I as he could, which allowed Kala to embrace me. I hugged back tightly and closed my eyes as tears formed in them.

"Take care of each other, okay?"

"We will Astrid. We promise." Kala said as she and I separated.

We gave each other smiles one last time before Hiccup turned around sharply and sped away to get back to New Berk as fast as possible. I looked forward again and took a deep breath as I leaned close to the saddle.

"Okay's you and ready girl?" I asked, getting a determined squawk as my answer.

I nodded with a smile and urged her to speed up, which she obliged, heading straight into the storm.

The further in we got, the worse it became. Our vision got obscured as we got drenched from the onslaught of rain drops pelting their way through the sky. Rainstorm tried the best she could to fly through the harsh wind and rain, but it was becoming very difficult. My grip on the saddle tightened as I dug my feet further into the stirrups to keep myself from being bucked off Rainstorm's back like I had been with Stormfly all those years ago. I hid my face behind Rainstorm's head spikes to keep from getting hurt from how harsh the rain was.

After a little while of struggling, I heard a deep roar from all around us. Rainstorm screeched as the wind became too strong for her to handle and she began to plummet to the ocean below. I screamed as I held on for dear life as we fell.

Then everything went black.


I felt a snout nudge me and I groaned as I finally came to. I slowly sat up as I clutched my head as I tried to get my bearings. Once my eyesight cleared, I noticed that Rainstorm was the one to nudge me and I smiled as I reached out to pet her.

"Hey girl...that was one Hel of a storm, wasn't it..?" I said as she leaned into my touch as I rubbed her snout slowly, purrs reverberating from the back of her throat in contentment.

My attention was broken when I heard someone approaching and I swiftly got up and grabbed my axe from Rainstorm's saddle, holding it at the ready as the person came ever closer.

When they broke through the foliage, the both of us froze with wide eyes as we saw one another.


"Snotlout?!" I asked, just as shocked to see him of all people as I lowered my axe.

"You're alive!!!"


And there you have it my li'l embers! How to Remedy Mistakes is finished. What'd you guys think? Did I do canon Astrid justice in this fic or was she still out of character?

Keep an eye out for updates or new fics and I hope I see you there. Peace out!

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