Part 2

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1 month after Astrid's departure, when her first response letter arrives at Berk


Hope this letter finds you. How are things going for you? Have you been able to figure out anything about how you ended up here or anything? If not, is there anything cool you've come across in your travels?

Things on Berk are going well for the most part. About a week or so ago we discovered a new dragon species that's called the Typhoomerang, from what Kala told us. We came across a baby one when we were doing team drills with the others. Long story short, the mother caused quite a bit of damage on the island when she was searching for the little guy.

Oh! Do you know Mildew? The crabby old man that lives on the other side of the island? Has a pet sheep he takes everywhere named Fungus. Anyway, he hates the dragons so much that he framed them for things he did just to get my dad to banish them all to Dragon Island, Kala included. Obviously, me being me, I was able to prove that it was Mildew and not the dragons. But I wasn't able to do that until we had to fight off the Outcasts and their leader, Alvin the Treacherous.

Also, what exactly did you use to dye your hair? I always wondered, but I kept forgetting to ask you before you left. I could send you more of it if you want?

Wish you luck on finding a way back to your realm.



Things are going well, but I haven't really had much luck in terms of finding a way back to my realm yet. Although, I have seen quite a few things that are pretty cool. I've come across a lot of different kinds of dragons that would be hard to even tell you about through a letter. You and Fishlegs would geek out about them for hours for sure.

Yes, I know who Mildew is. There's a version of him in my realm. I had a feeling that he would try and pull something like that one day, but I am glad you were able to prove the dragons' innocence. Especially Kala's.

Also, I'm so proud of you for fixing things with your dad! If we ever see one another in person again, you'll have to tell me how that went.

As for how I dyed my hair, I used Meatlug's shed scales. I found some on the ground outside of that barn she was in when the dragons were gone. If you could send me some that would be great. It doesn't have to be Meatlug's exactly, just brown Gronckle scales will do.

Hope things with the Outcasts don't get too out of hand.



2 months after Astrid's departure, when her second response letter arrives at Berk


There should be a pouch that came with this letter that has those scales you asked for. Kala and I gathered as many as we could for you, so you should be set for quite some time on them.

You probably won't believe this, but my dad has a dragon now! He befriended a Thunderdrum! The dragon had been attacking our fishing boats and Dad was getting fed up with it. Found out he was just trying to protect and care for a friend of his because they were injured. Dad helped fend off boars and it led to them becoming dragon and rider.

Any luck on finding out how you ended up here?

Hope everything's going well.



Thanks for the scales! I was in need of a touch up around my roots.

Of course Stoick would befriend a Thunderdrum of all dragons. Especially by fighting side by side the way they did. That's so your dad.

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