CHAPTER TWO: "Longing for Home and Uncertain Hearts"

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Mile sat on the plane, staring out the window as the world passed by below him. He was on his way to Kalasin to visit his family, including his beloved grandmother who he hadn't seen in months. As the plane touched down, he gathered his belongings and made his way to his family's home.

Upon arriving, Mile was greeted with open arms by his family. He hugged his parents, siblings, and aunts and uncles before making his way to his grandmother's room. She was bedridden and frail, but her eyes lit up with joy when she saw her grandson. They spent the day talking, laughing, and reminiscing about old times.

As the day went on, Mile found himself missing Apo more and more. He couldn't quite understand why, as he had always considered himself a straight man. But he couldn't deny the warmth and happiness that filled him whenever he thought of Apo's smile or the sound of his laughter.

Despite his confusion, Mile tried to focus on spending time with his family and making the most of his visit. But as the night settled in and he lay in bed, he couldn't help but think of Apo and the way he smelled like a croissant 🥐 , the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about something he was passionate about. Mile couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more between them, but he didn't know what to make of it.

As he drifted off to sleep, Mile hoped that his time with his family would help clear his head and give him some clarity on his feelings towards Apo.


Mile spent the next few days with his family, enjoying their company and the comforts of home. One evening, his family took him out to a local restaurant where they were greeted by his aunt, who had come to join them for dinner.

As they perused the menu, Mile's eyes lit up at the sight of all the delicious dishes. He loved food, and was excited to try all the new flavors and spices that the restaurant had to offer. His aunt, who was a foodie herself, took the lead and ordered a variety of dishes for the table to share.

As they ate and chatted, Mile found himself relaxing and enjoying the moment. He loved the sense of community and connection that came with sharing a meal with loved ones. And even though he was still wrestling with his feelings towards Apo, he felt a sense of contentment and belonging with his family.

After dinner, Mile and his aunt chatted about their shared love of food and swapped recipes and cooking tips. Mile couldn't help but feel grateful for the experience, and for the reminder that life was about more than just work and career ambitions. Sometimes, it was the simple things, like a good meal with loved ones, that brought the most joy and fulfillment.


As Mile settled in for the night after a long day with his family, his phone rang. It was Apo.

"Hey man, how was your day?" Apo asked.

"It was good," Mile replied. "I spent the day with my family. It was nice to see my grandma again."

"Aw, that's sweet," Apo said. "How is she doing?"

"She's bedridden now, but she's in good spirits," Mile said. "How was your day?"

"It was okay," Apo replied. "Just had some meetings and went over some scripts. Nothing too exciting."

They chatted for a while longer, exchanging stories and catching up on each other's lives. Even though they were hundreds of miles apart, their conversation flowed easily, and Mile felt a sense of comfort and ease talking to Apo.

As they said their goodbyes and hung up, Mile found himself missing Apo already. He couldn't quite put his finger on why, but there was something about Apo's voice and presence that made him feel at home.


As Mile's plane touched down in Bangkok, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He had missed the city and was eager to get back to his routine. He grabbed his bags and made his way through the airport, feeling a bit tired from the flight.

As he reached the exit, he spotted Apo waiting for him with a big smile on his face. Mile's heart skipped a beat as he walked towards him.

"Hey man, it's good to see you!" Apo said, pulling Mile into a hug.

"It's good to be back," Mile replied, returning the embrace. "Thanks for picking me up."

"Of course," Apo said. "How was your trip?"

"It was good," Mile said. "It was nice to spend some time with my family, but I'm happy to be back."

As they made their way to the car, Mile couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and warmth being around Apo again. He realized that he had missed him more than he thought he would.

During the car ride, they caught up on each other's lives, and Mile found himself opening up more than usual to Apo. He told him about his time with his family and how he was feeling a bit lost about his future.

Apo listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and support. Mile felt grateful to have someone like Apo in his life, someone who truly cared about him and his well-being.

As they arrived at Mile's apartment, Mile turned to Apo with a smile.

"Thanks for everything, man," he said. "It's good to be back, and it's good to have you in my life."

"Likewise," Apo replied, returning the smile. "Welcome back, buddy."


Mile and Apo had planned to meet at a bar in the city that evening. They were both looking forward to catching up and spending time together after Mile's trip to visit his family. As they sat together at the bar, they talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company.

The atmosphere was lively, and the drinks were flowing. Mile was feeling a little tipsy from the alcohol, and his guard was down. He found himself staring at Apo, admiring his features and thinking about how much he enjoyed spending time with him.

As the night progressed, Mile's inhibitions became lower, and he impulsively leaned over to give Apo a kiss on the cheek. Apo was surprised but didn't pull away. In fact, he leaned in closer and smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest.

Although they both felt a spark of something more, they didn't know what to make of it. They continued to drink and talk, enjoying each other's company until the bar closed. As they said goodbye, Mile gave Apo another kiss on the cheek and left, feeling confused but also excited about what the future might hold.

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