CHAPTER 8: "The Perils of Public Perception"

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Mile couldn't believe how quickly things had escalated. One minute he was attending a party with his friends, and the next minute the internet was up in arms about a photograph that had been taken of him with a woman who was just a friend. The photo showed him and his friend laughing and smiling, with their arms wrapped around each other's waists. It was a completely innocent moment, but the internet had taken it and run with it, twisting it into something it wasn't.

The hate and vitriol that Mile was receiving on social media was overwhelming. He had always known that being in the public eye meant that he would be subject to scrutiny, but he never expected it to be this bad. He had always been careful about who he was seen with and what he did in public, but now it seemed like no matter what he did, it would be used against him.

Apo tried to be understanding, but he couldn't help feeling jealous and insecure. He trusted Mile completely, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was the first man that Mile had ever been with and that he would eventually decide that he preferred women. It was a fear that he had always had, but now it seemed more real than ever.

Mile tried to reassure Apo that he was the only one for him, but he could see the doubt in Apo's eyes. They talked about it for hours, trying to work through their feelings and come to a resolution, but it seemed like no matter what they said, the doubt and insecurity lingered.

In the end, Mile who came up with a solution. He decided that he would be more open about their relationship, not hiding it from the public eye. It was a risky move, but he knew that it was the only way to show Apo how much he meant to him.

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