Nothing can make Cody as happy as spending time with Loona right now. She did save him more than one time after all. The kid was excited to go to another party later on.
By the looks of Crymini and her appearance, she is going to throw one wild party for Cody's adoption.
While walking down the street, he was greeted by someone whom he accidentally bumped into.
"Hey, watch where the fuck you-" it was a raspy voice, and it was an imp that looked like Blitzo. Yes, it was none other than Cash Buckzo. "Ah, it's you, the human kid I've just met at Blitzo' place.
"Oh fuck no." Loona breathed. "What are you doing here?"
"Just thought I would ask Cody here a favor for a poor old man like me." Cash replied. He walked up in front of the kid and said: "Cody, you might have witnessed it, but... I wasn't a very good father to Blitzo."
"I think I noticed that when I met you."
"In all fairness, it was his fault. Blitzo has been the most irrational member of the family."
"Like you're any better?" Asked Loona
"Nobody asked you!" Buckzo retorted at her.
Loona just flipped him off while rolling her eyes, making Cash emit a small growl.
"Anyway, I wanna try and make amends to him, and my ex-wife. I wasn't a very nice person to her either. You see, I tried to talk to her and ask for forgiveness but she rejected me, so that's when you come in."
"Yep. Cody, you got that baby face on you and if there is one thing a lady can't resist, it's a baby face."
"Meaning?" Cody asked
"Meaning that you can talk to her for me. I want you to tell her how sorry I am and how I want to make it up to her for being a shitty husband all her life."
"Use him as a form of damage control?" Asked Vortex. "Isn't that kind of sleazy and slimy?"
"No, no, no, no. I am not using him. I want to really show my sincerity to Tilla."
"Dude, let's be real here. Blitzo told me about the time you sold him to Stolas to be his friend so he can steal valuable for you-"
"Shhh." Cash clamped Loona's mouth shut. "There is a good reason why I did that, Loona." Then he let go.
"Yes, because you're a crappy father and a grade A cheapskate." Loona said.
"Untrue!" Buckzo retorted.
Loona crossed her arms again. "But you decided to sell your own son own for five dollars and a slim-fit condom? And that's not even so much to get anyway."
Cash Buckzo fumed a little. "That, my dear Loona," he said, "was only the appetizer. You see, i only accepted it so me and my family can go for the main course. The possessions those rich fuckers had on them. And let me tell you, the things Blitzo shilled inside that castle was worth plenty. For that; me and my family was able to get a bigger tent, better food, and everything we could ever afford."
"By stealing?" asked Cody. "I know this is Hell and it wouldn't make a difference, but by stealing?"
"It's called desperate measures kid. So," he looked guilty again. "I want to apologize to Tilla for being such a shitty husband to her. So, if she won't listen to me, then she'll listen to you at least. What do you say, Cody? Care to help me give her my most sincere apologies?"
"Don't listen to him, Cody." said Loona. "Cash Buckzo would sell his own family for one dollar."
"Ooh, can you quadruple the offer?" Blitzos' father accidentally let his cheap side get to him, and he quickly realized what he was doing. "Oh, i mean, No! I would never do that." But the damage was already done by now.
"See?" said Loona. "Exactly that."
"What kind of a father are you?" said Vortex, appalled by this pathetic imps' cheapness and callousness. "I'm glad my dad isn't anything like you."
"Hey i'm a good father, big man." Cash retorted to him. "And at least I am not in rehab like my daughter. I am better than she is."
"Are you?" asked Crystal. "I've seen pretty f- i mean, messed up families down here, but you? You are probably one of the worst."
"If not the worst dad of all." Serana pointed.
Loona went up next to Cody, "You are probably trying to do something like use Cody to rob your ex blind for yourself." she said. "And probably gonna use Cody for your advantage. And hey, Blitzo may be a creep, but at least he's not really like you." he looked at Cody. "Come on, Cody, we don't know to deal with him. He's the biggest cheapskate in Hell, and a real piece of work."
"Agreed." said Crymini. "Hell doesn't need any more demons like you." They all walked away from Cash, much to his irritation. He figured that if Cody wasn't going to reason with him, then he would have to resort to a more... subtle approach (according to him).
"There's gotta be someway for that kid to help me out get what I want." Cash thought to himself as he walked out the other direction. He remembered Blitzo telling him that it was thanks to Cody that Verosika is back in rehab for real this time before Cash walked out in a huff from that apartment. So... a new idea came into his head. Even Cash knows that Verosika Mayday has rabid fans and possibly the most rabid fans that would do anything for the succubus pop star.
A rather evil smile appeared on his face, and looked at the article of the protests demanding the pop star to be let out right now.
"I know just how to get that kid by my side now."

Loona the Caretaker
General FictionOn Immediate Murder Professionals, Loona the Hellhound takes in a poor boy named Cody, who lost his parents during a tragic house-fire and Loona suddenly grows to care for the boy. PS, I don't know why there is no Helluva Boss in the cartoon categor...