☼ Chapter12 ☼

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"Any snakes?" Pope asks.
"Not so far." Kie answers in a weary tone. It's quite for awhile then speaks again as her hand pokes through the tiny gap at the top.
"Here take this." She says as she hands John b a thick envelope. She then crawls out of the whole, JJ helping her down.
"This is from my dad." John b nods excitingly.
"Code red. Code red. Shit. Square groupers." JJ informs us as a car pulls up, two men getting out of the vehicle.
"Go, go." Kie says as we all run around to the other side of the tomb.
"It's the guys who robbed your house John b." JJ says.
"Are you kidding me? Holy shit." I rolls my eyes.
"Lights, guys." Kie reminds us, we all click out torches off.
"Dude turn your light off." Pope tells JJ who was too busy tryna put a joint in his mouth to hear what Kie said.
"Do you think that's them?" Kie asks as we all crouch down on the ground.
"I don't know but I'm tired of hiding." John b says.
"Homies got a gun." JJ states as the people get closer.
"Screw this." John b says as he sprints off running.
"Well, here we go." I mumble as I get up and run after him.

We're all running trying to get back to van. I begin to climb up the metal fence, I go to put my fingers around one of the posts but my hand slips. My heart races fast, my fingers grip the air as I feel a hand grip around my wrist.
"Honestly Y/n, you gotta be more careful." JJ smiles putting my hand back onto the post.
"Thanks Jay." I smile continuing to climb up the fence. It's not long before my feet hit the ground.
"Guys, guys I'm stuck!" Pope whisper yells to us. We all turn around to see Pope on top of the fence, his shorts stuck to the top of the gate.
"Shit." Kie curses.
"What'd we do?" I ask seeing no way around this situation. Kie and John b run over to him.
"Hold still Pope, don't move." JJ says pointing his gun at Popes pants.
"JJ don't!" I say slapping his arm. Kie and John b continue to pull Pope free from the gate.
"You're gonna rip them, don't rip them." Pope complains but there isn't really any other way to get him free without ripping his shorts.
"You'll be fine!" Kie says and with one last pull they manage to get Pope free sending him tumbling to the ground.
"Nice dude. Come on." JJ laughs continuing to run as soon as his friend is free.

JJ hops in the van last just after me, shutting the door as we drive away.
"What do you thinks in the envelope John b?" I ask him as he drives us all back to the Chateau.
"I honestly don't know but it's gonna be a message from my dad. It's gotta be right?"
"Okay." I smile unsure if it is going to be.

When we get back to John b's JJ heads straight for the kitchen, he pulls out the peanut butter and bread.
"That bread had mould on it three days ago." Pope states as he watches his friend make a sandwich.
"I'll just pull off the bad parts. Besides mould is good for you, it's like a natural organism." He shrugs. I look at Pope who's expression matches mine, this boy is stupid.
"JJ." Kie calls him over to us as we get ready for John b to open the envelope.
"Yup. Yup. Yup I'm ready." He nods taking a bite of the bread immediately gagging and spitting it back out into his hand and throwing it away.
"Told you." Pope mumbles underneath his breath, I smile at him because I heard it.

We all draw our attention back to John b who is getting ready to open the parcel. He tares the top open and pulls out a piece of paper. He unfolds it revealing a map, it has a bunch of black lines on it leading towards an x with a circle around it.
"X marks the spot." Pope states pointing to it on the map.
"Holy shit." John b breaths out in shock.
"There's something else in here." I say as my hand lent on the envelope, I pass it to John b to pull out.
"What's that?" JJ asks.
"It's a tape recorder." Kie informs him.
"Dumbass." I mumble to myself. He hits me on the shoulder in a playful manner when he heard me say it.
John b presses the play button on the recorder and we sit back to watch.

"Dear bird." It starts, John b sits up straighter at the word bird.
"Who's bird?" JJ asks not quite catching on.
"That's me." His friend informs him.

We watch the video on anticipation. It's John bs dad talking about treasure. Treasure! The Royal Merchant treasure. He talks about how John b doubted him and about how he's almost found where it is.

We all sit on the dock in shock trying to comprehend what we've just been told.
"How much was it again?" I ask sitting on the railing, JJ's arm around my waist so that I don't fall.
"4 hundred million." Pope sighs.
"Holy fucking moly." JJ says shocked. "Alright, let's start talking split. Now before we say evenly, may I remind you I'm the only one who can properly defend us against those groupers who were after us."
"Sure you were." I nod. He jokingly pushes me forward almost sending me off the wooden rail but he wraps his arm back around me before I can fully fall off.
"You've done zero training." Pope argues.
"Um, YouTube bro. That's at least 5 percent."
"No it's not. We're going even." John b says to which JJ rolls his eyes.

"What are you gonna do with your 8 hundred thousand Pope?" Kie asks turning her head to him.
"Pay for collage in advance. And also textbooks, those are expensive."
"You're so reasonable Pope. I admire you for that." I smile at him.
"Of course."
"What about you Kie? What'll you do?" JJ asks her.
"Yeah, what does a socialist do when she's rich?" Pope asks.
"Just wanna make a double album. About obx, the Pouges. You know the way Catching Fire is about Kingston. Record it at Marley studio, Peter Tosh producing." She smiles.
"Peter Tosh is dead." Pope laughs.
"The spirit of Peter Tosh will never die." She declares holding her beer up in the air.

"What about you N/n?" Pope asks me.
"I know I would get some great clothes but in general, I think I would wanna get a nice house and a really big dog. You know like a cane corso? And uh then save the rest for when I really need it, I'll probably do other stuff if I can think of more though." I nod.
"That sounds nice." John b nods.
"I know what I'll do." JJ announces. "I'm gonna get a big ass house on figure 8 and go full kook."
"Full kook?" I ask.
"Full kook. Yeah, I'm gonna get a marble statue of myself and then I'm gonna get a koi pond. And maybe, maybe I'll even buy all of yous a little personal gift because I'm nice like that."
"What ab you Jb?" I ask. He just smiles and raises his beer.
"To going full kook."
"To going full kook!" We all chant raising our glasses as well.

Another chapter done!
Pls vote :)

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