﹏ Chapter30 ﹏

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Sarah has been asking the stupidest questions this whole time and I think it was annoying Kie as much me. I like Sarah yeah but I think the weed is a little much for her.
"Hey Kiara?" She says turning to face Kie.
"Oh my god enough with the 'hey kiara' bullshit! Why'd you do it?" Kie snaps. I slide back a little, still next to each of them but not so much that I'm in between the argument.
"Why did I do what?" Sarah asks.
"We were best friends. We stole beer from your dads fridge. I ditched Y/n so many times for you!" In Kie's Kook year she kinda drifted away from us but then she came back. "We watched movies together, cried about boys together. And the next thing I know I'm watching your birthday party on instagram." Kie answers.
"It was one party." Sarah shrugs. I get why Kie is so pissed now, I know for a fact she invited literally everyone from the Kook academy in their year to that party.
"You invited everyone Sarah! Everyone but me." She says annoyance and anger ringing in her voice. "And then you told everyone that I was the reason it got busted!" Fuck I'm glad, for once I'm glad that I'm not a Kook.
"Who else would've called the cops?" Sarah shrugs.
"You never asked. You just let the rumour go that I was a rat. You were my best friend. Then you ghosted me, and I don't even know why! I mean what did I really do?"
"You liked me." Is all that Sarah says.
"When people get close to me I feel trapped so then I bail. And I blame them for it too. I'm really sorry." Sarah says with a very sad smile. "I'm sorry and I miss you."
There's silence where we all look at each other. I feel so awkward being here.
"Do you think there's a chance we could ever be okay again?"
"Maybe but right now I needa go to sleep." Kie says walking away.

"What'd you think Y/n?" Sarah asks turning her head to face me.
"Hm? Oh yeah probably. I don't really know but yeah." I say as less awkwardly as possible.
"Well what about us?" She asks smiling. "Reckon we'll be friend?"
"Yeah I reckon so." I smile and nod.
"Cool." She nods back. "So you got a boyfriend or anything?"
"Woah straight of the bat alright." I laugh.
"Is it JJ?"
"No." I laugh. "I don't have a boyfriend."
"Yeah? Alright." She says almost like she knows I'm lying.

We go and lye down with Kie getting ready to try and sleep.
"Just promise me you won't bail on John b?" Kie whispers.
"I won't." She says weariness in her voice.
"Sorry about calling the cops on you." Kie says making us all laugh.
"I knew it was you!" Sarah says jokingly.
After that we can't sleep.
"So Kie? You're not mad at me for the things I said?" I ask her as we all sit in like a triangle I guess.
"No I'm not. But calling me a Kook was so lame." She shakes her head.
"Okay good good."

We started playing all these random games, one of which had a very broad category and we had to tell the first memory that came to mind.
"Okay weirdest thing that you've seen. Go." Kie says.
"Oh I got one!" Sarah says five seconds later. "When I was giving John b the house tour, I had to show him every room right? So we got to Rafes room." My smile of curiosity began to fade. I know exactly what's happening here. "So I knocked and obviously he told me to fuck off, so I said oh well I'm coming in anyway. And as I open the door I see him like fully shove this half naked girl into his wardrobe." Sarah and Kie are cracking up, honestly even if that half naked girl wasn't me I don't think I woulda found it very amusing.
"What'd she look like?" I ask.
"Oh I dunno really. I kinda just saw a girl with h/c hair wearing one of Rafes shirts probably. I don't even know if she had pants on."
"Imagine that." Kie laughs. "Dating Rafe." She shakes her head.

"Okay my turn to pick the category." Sarah says excitedly. "Best memory on this boat."
"Oh I got a good one!" I say. "Actually no never mind it's bad."
"Nope come on you gotta share now!" Kie says.
"Okay but you have to promise not to laugh?"
"Promise." The girls say.

"Okay. So when we were 14 me and JJ decided to sneak out in this boat at like 8:30 at night without asking John b. I dunno why, we just did it. Anyway we were sitting just here and talking and smoking joints when we start to get like incredibly high. And me being so smart was like let's go swimming. So we jumped off the boat and I literally almost drowned until I remember I had arms and legs and JJ was just floating around. Well when we got back onto the boat after ages of trying, JJ decided we would play truth or dare or maybe it was 2 truths and a lie, oh well one of them. So we're playing then he asked me something about who I liked and maybe it was because I was high or maybe it was because I wanted too but I told him. The thing is though, I liked him at the time." The girls look at me in shock then urge me to continue.

"Well he kinda just looked at me in confusion and shock of wether I was being or serious or not I guess. So I just tried to bring up a new subject but he dragged it back and asked me like if I was being serious and I told him the truth which was yes. After I answered his question it was just awkward silence, but then-
"But then?" Sarah asks, apparently I was taking too long to get to the point.
"But then. But then this boy decided to kiss me."
"JJ kissed you!?" Kie asks in complete shock. "So what happened why aren't you dating now?"
"I think he forgot."
"No, he wouldn't of forgotten that." Kie shakes her head.
"Well we woke up the next morning and neither of us mentioned it and he did say that he hardly remembered what we did apart from almost drowning." I shrug. "Nothing about that time has been spoken about between us for years
"Damn." Sarah says quietly.
"Y/n girl, what else are you hiding?" Kie laughs. I just give an awkward shrug in response hoping neither of them mention this conversation to anyone.

Woah okayyyyy
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