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  Once there lived a lonely woman, every noon and night she would glance out of her window 

to imagine the lives of others.

Other days she would walk through her house anticipating and waiting, remotely rewinding the things she had already done.

Her days seemed long, yet her nights were even longer.

At times she would think back to her youth, her young and glorious days.

Where nothing mattered and the only tragedy was school, grades and the grudges she held against others.

No bills, No pills, no doctor prescriptions.

And she thought to herself:  "If I can not  be happy doing what makes me happy, what is my point of living this unhappy life?"

A  strong emotion came upon her.

For the first time in Fifteen years,she took her first step towards her door. Just one more step and she outside.

With every step her breath grew shorter,meanwhile, her happiness increased.

As she felt the green grass under her feet under her foot, the shimmering beam of sunlight touched her skin.

With just 10 steps forward she has been the happiest she has ever been before.

With everything  fading slowly, she smiled one last time and whispered: "Thank you ..."

What would you do to be happy? 

How far would you go to reach it?

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