To The Past

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It's Sunday, October 31st, 1976, the students of Hogwarts sitting and eating their breakfast. A certain sixth year Gryffindor with jet-black hair stares at a red-headed fellow sixth year Gryffindor. "I'm telling you three, I'm going to marry her! I can just tell we're perfect for each other!" His long-haired brother in all but blood snorts. "Yeah, sure you are Prongs." Prongs looks at him in offense and betrayal. "Padfoot! How could you?! Mooney! Padfoot isn't supporting me!" Mooney rolls his eyes. "Why do I put up with you guys, again?" Prongs and Padfoot respond. "Because you love us!" "Eh."

Meanwhile, a certain Slytherin looks at Padfoot and Prongs, envious of their relationship.

Just then, the doors to the Great Hall open, revealing the Blacks (much to Sirius's chagrin), The Weasley's with their three young boys, The Potters, The Tonks with their little girl, Alastor "Mad-eye" Mooney, The Malfoys, and the Lestranges.

Dumbledore stands. "Welcome guests. May I enquire as to why you are here?" Orion steps forward. "We all received notes telling us to be here at this time. They were anonymously signed."

A small table with eight thin cases on it, and a letter appear out of nowhere, the letter, floating in front of Albus.

" 'Hello professor Dumbledore,

My name is Rose, and I am writing to you from 2004.' "

Everyone perks up at the thought of someone from the future writing to Dumbledore.

" 'With this letter, you should have also received eight movies. These movies are about my life, and we are hoping that by sending these back for you to watch, will change the course of time for the better.' "

Every frowns. 'What could have possibly happened in Rose's life?'

" 'Myself and a few friends will join you - and your guests who I sent notes to - tomorrow before you start to watch. Until then, Mischief managed' "

" 'Signed,

R.L.P, L.S.B, R.B.W, H.J.G, D.L.M, G.M.W, N.F.L, L.P.L' "

The Marauders share looks, that phrase only being familiar to them. "Do you think they're our kids?" Mooney nods. "I would think so...we came up with that phrase, and we wouldn't tell anyone but our kids that."

Walburga sighs irritatedly. "We could've come here tomorrow, why was it necessary for us to come tonight?" A note appears in front of her. "Because I said so. -Rose' " Sirius snorts, liking this Rose girl already. Dumbledore addresses the guests. "You all may stay in our rooms reserved for guests. After breakfast tomorrow, we will set up the Great Hall to welcome our guests from the future."

~Time skip to the next morning~

After breakfast, Dumbledore waves his wand and the Great Hall turns into a comfortable space for everyone, a ginormous screen against the wall where the teachers table usually sits. Everyone takes their seats and waits for the guests from the future to arrive. Soon, a loud whoosh sound is heard outside the Great Hall, the doors opening to reveal eight witches and wizards, who all have the hoods of their robes up. Everyone perks up, interested in the mysterious visitors.

They all walk up to Dumbledore, who stands in front of the gigantic screen. "Hello, I assume you all are our guests from the future." They all nod, refraining from speaking, adding to the dramatic of the newcomers. "Would you all mind introducing yourself and we can then start the movies?"

The eight people turns to face the audience, one of them letting down their hood as they start the introductions. "Hello. My name is Hermione Jean Granger. I'm 24 years old, I was a Gryffindor during my time at Hogwarts, and I'm a Muggle-born." The Pure-bloods who believe in blood supremacy look at her disgusted. "You all can scowl and snarl all you want. I don't care what your opinion of me is, so your insults won't affect me."

The next person lowers their hood. "Hello. My name is Luna Pandora Lovegood. I'm also 24 years old, I was a Ravenclaw and I'm a Pure-blood."

Next, a boy lowers his hood. "Hey, I'm Neville Frank Longbottom-" The Gryffindors look at Frank, while Dorcas, Marlene, and Lily look at a blushing Alice, knowing how much she loved the name 'Neville'. "I'm also 24, and a proud Gryffindor. I'm also a Pure-blood."

A second boy lowers his hood, Molly and Arthur perking up at his red hair. "I'm Ronald Billius Weasley - but I go by Ron - I'm also a Gryffindor, 24, and a Pure-blood."

Now, another girl lowers her hood, everyone's jaw dropping at her resemblance to Ron. "I'm Ginevra Molly Weasley, I'm the first girl born to the Weasley family for generations. I'm 23 and was a Gryffindor during my time in Hogwarts." Molly tears up. "Arthur! We have a girl!" Arthur chuckles in shock. "Yeah, we do..."

A blonde man then lowers his hood, the hair giving away his family. "I'm Draco Lucius Malfoy, I'm 24 and was in Slytherin." The Slytherin's, Malfoy's and Black's nod in approval, Draco hiding a smirk, anxiously waiting for their reactions to the next introduction.

Another young man takes down his hood, revealing a strikingly and aristocratically handsome face, a scar on his left eye, his smirk making all girls swooning over him, everyone noticing the resemblance between him, Sirius, and Regulus. "I'm Leo Sirius Black, I'm 24 years old, was sorted into Gryffindor, and-" he makes eye contact with Walburga, "-I'm a Half-blood." The Blacks all gasp, Walburga glaring at Sirius who smiles proudly, the Marauders all patting his back.

Everyone then looks expectingly at the last figure, everyone knowing this is the Rose who is the reason they're all there. She lowers her hood, every male student, with the exception of the Marauders, checking her out as she smiles a charming smile. Euphemia's eyes widening as she knows who her farther is, given she looks the spiting image of him.

"Hello,-" The male students all swoon over her voice, causing Leo to glare heatedly at them. "I'm Rose Lily Potter. I'm 24 and was a Gryffindor in my time at Hogwarts. I'm also a Half-blood." James smiles ecstatically, jumping from his seat. "I have a daughter! Who's your mother?" She raises a brow. "I thought my eyes would make it obvious...not to mention my name." Remus instantly gets it, knowing those eyes anywhere. "Your mom is Lily, isn't she?!" Rose nods. "Yup, my mother is Lily Evans."

This causes a chain reaction, James running around the hall chanting. "I MARRY LILY EVANS!" Lily sitting in shock that she marries the tog-rag, Severus sitting devastated, and everyone - even the teachers - collecting or distributing the money they betted on whether Potter would every get Evans.

James then runs up to Rose, picks her up and spins her around, kissing her cheek before setting her down and doing the same to Lily, who surprising blushes when he he does so. Rose chuckles. "Now that my father has calmed down, shall we start with the movies?" Rose and her friends then sit down on a sofa, everyone watching shocked when Draco sits with them.

James narrows his eyes as he sees Leo sits a little too close to Rose for his liking, his jaw clenching when he puts his arm around her and she snuggles into him. He turns to Sirius. "Tell your son to stay away from my daughter." Sirius just waves him off, having a suspicion but not voicing it yet.

Rose waves her wand, the DVD flying into the player, the movie projected onto the screen, everyone anticipating what Rose's life was like.

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