Chapter 14: Just the Beginning

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Mycroft Holmes would have never considered himself to be one who enjoyed dancing. But one of the things he'd learned about his new wife, it was that she loved music, and so before they'd ever begun conversations about what their wedding reception would include, he knew that there was no getting around having music and dancing. It wasn't that he didn't know how to dance—at least when it came to the more traditional ballroom dances such as the waltz and foxtrot—it was just that, up until this point, he had never found it enjoyable.

Yet, as he stood on the dance floor with his new wife, suddenly the idea of dancing didn't seem as tedious as it had previously. He found that if he kept his eyes on her, and was hand in hand with her, he could bear just about anything—even dancing while the rest of their family and friends observed. Just as he had done for John and his now deceased wife, Sherlock had composed a song especially for his brother and his new wife.

As the couple moved fluidly around the dance floor, Mycroft smiled down at his wife and whispered, "You've been practicing."

"I wanted this moment to be perfect."

"I'm dancing with you—it doesn't get much more perfect than that, love. I presume you practiced with Sherlock—or John?" She nodded. "Something else I shall have to thank them for later," he added then.

"It's going to be terribly painful for you, isn't it?" she said with a giggle. He smiled back, but they grew quiet as they listened to Sherlock's piece, danced, and gazed into each other's eyes.

Once the song had ended, they both approached Sherlock and Sophia pulled him into her embrace. "Sherlock, that was beautiful. Thank you so much."

"I understand I also have you to thank for Sophia's continued improvement at the waltz?" Mycroft questioned.

"Yes, well, it seems that both Holmes brothers lose their resolve when Sophia makes a request," Sherlock said with a small smile to Sophia.

"Then could I ask, on her behalf, for you to stay out of trouble for the next two weeks while we are away?" Mycroft gave his brother the classic glare that he reserved for him.


That night, as Mycroft and Sophia entered the Terrace Suite at The Langham, Mycroft couldn't miss the gasp from his wife.

"Oh, Mycroft, it's beautiful," she said as she pulled him through the suite to seemingly investigate every corner. "Oh, look at the view!" she exclaimed as she pulled him out onto the terrace. "It's gorgeous."

He smiled, his eyes on the view of his wife rather than the city. "Yes, you are."

She blushed, smiling wide and glancing up at him. "Thank you. For everything. This is amazing. I feel like a princess—staying at the Langham."

"There's more where this came from, love. This is merely a 'pit stop' as you'd call it. And, if you'd do me the honor, then there will also be more traveling in your future—if you can bear the idea of joining me for the occasional work trip—it might involve boring dinners and balls, but I think you'd handle yourself quite well."

Her eyes lit up. "You'd really want me to come with you? Am I allowed?"

"Once we get your citizenship taken care of I can also look into increasing your security clearance to allow for a bit more freedom, and it's not like you'd be involved in meetings with me—just the social aspects of my work. How does that sound to you?"

"It would be an honor to attend such events with you, Mycroft."

He smiled. "Very good. Shall we check out the rest of the suite?"

The American Fire that Melted the Ice Man (Mycroft Holmes x OC - BBC Sherlock)Where stories live. Discover now