Chapter 16

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I woke up to complete darkness.

At first I thought that maybe whatever had been in that gas had caused me to go blind and instantly started to panic but after fumbling around in my bag which had somehow managed to stay around my shoulder, I found my cell phone.

I tapped the screen and white light illuminated a small space around me and my heart sank as I looked around the room.

There seemed to be at least a dozen of what looked like broken hotel beds and nothing else in the room.

Where was everybody else?

I only now realized that I was laying on one of the broken hotel beds and I sat up slowly and winced at the dull pain in the back of my head.

I slowly shined the light around the rest of the room and saw a door directly across from the bed I was in and seeing as it was the only door in here I assumed it was my way out.

I attempted to get out of the bed but as soon as I swung my legs over the edge I realized that I wouldn't be getting too far.

There was a shackle around my right ankle which was chained to the bottom left bed post.

My heart started beating rapidly as panic surged through me.

Even though I knew it wouldn't do any good I started harshly yanking on the chain, the noise it made seemed one hundred times louder in the quiet room, and when that didn't work I went to plan B.

"Help! Somebody help me!" I screamed out into the empty room.

"There's no point in screaming, no one can hear you."

I screamed at the unexpected voice and dropped my phone off the side of the bed.

I frantically searched the room for whoever had spoken but I couldn't see my hand in front of my face.

"W-who's there?" I tried to keep the fear out of my voice but you could hear it clearly.

There was no response.

"Hello?" I called out.

My voice was met with more silence.

Had I imagined the voice?

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my rapidly beating heart.

I needed my cell phone so I could see for myself if I really had imagined someone speaking.

I scooted as far to the edge of the bed as the chain would allow and reached my hand down to try and feel for my phone. The beds were elevated off the floor so I had to strain just so that my fingertips could brush the ground.

I felt along the ground for several minutes before I finally felt my phone.

I quickly grabbed it and sat up straight.

Praying that I hadn't broken it when I dropped it I tapped the screen again and sighed when the light came back on.

I slowly shined the light around the room but found that there was no one in here except for me.

Or at least that's what I thought because when I shined the light towards the foot of the bed I let loose a blood curdling scream as I found Sheep Mask standing at the foot of the bed and staring back at me.


Archer's P.O.V

I woke up to a throbbing pain in the back of my head.

I groaned and opened my eyes slowly only to be met with darkness. Blinking a few times I noticed darker shapes around me and sat up slowly from where I lay sprawled on the cold ground.

When I sat up the throbbing pain in my head seemed to get worse and I rubbed the back of my head as I tried to make out where I was.

I stood up and swayed on my feet for a few seconds before everything steadied.

I felt around in my pockets and was relieved when I found that my phone was still there.

I pulled it out and turned it on and let the light illuminate the space around me. I was in a small room full of old curtains, sheets, rugs, and blankets. There was a door to my right and I went to open it only to find that it was locked.

"Shit." I muttered.

How was I suppose to get out of here now?

I could always try breaking the door down but whatever was in that gas had left me feeling dizzy and weak. I doubted I could break a pencil let alone a door.

In this state I'd be no help to Gemma-


I had no idea where she was or if she was even okay.

I had to find her.

I turned to the door ready to try and kick it down even in the state I was in but my phone vibrating in my hand stopped me.

I looked down at the screen to see that I had a new text message.

This had me frowning. I had no signal since we'd been down here, how was I getting a text message now?

I opened the message to see who it was from and my heart beat picked up when I saw that it was from Gemma.

She had to be okay if she was texting me.

I quickly scrolled down to read the message and as I did it felt like my blood had suddenly turned to ice.

The message wasn't a text at all, it was a set of pictures.

In the first picture there was Gemma sitting chained on a bed with wide eyes that you could clearly see the fear in and tears on her cheeks. I found it harder and harder to breathe properly as I continued on and looked at the second picture which showed Gemma again but this time there was somebody else in the picture with her.

Sheep Mask.

In the picture he had a fist full of Gemma's hair and it seemed like he had to force her to keep still for the picture because her eyes were shut tight and she had one hand pushing against his chest like she was trying to push him away.

The third and final picture made me tense up completely with both fear and anger and I almost dropped my phone when I saw it. Gemma was now laying down on the bed with her eyes closed. She was either asleep or had been knocked unconscious. I refused to think about the last option but judging by her face it was obvious that she hadn't just fallen asleep. There was a dark bruise on her left cheek and her left eye was a swollen and a dark shade of purple. There was a small line of blood running from her nose and the corner of her mouth and I could also see bruising in the shape of a hand around her throat.

This couldn't be happening.

My hands were shaking so bad that I could barely read the message at the bottom of the pictures.

We have unfinished business. This is just the beginning. Better hurry, the clock is ticking.

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