Chapter 26

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I had no idea where Sheep Mask was taking me, and at this point I didn't care either.

Archer was most likely dead and for all I knew all of my friends were dead too. I couldn't trust that Sheep Mask would just let them go out of the kindness of his heart.

The realization that I would probably never see any of them again brought a fresh wave of tears to my eyes, and I bit down on my bottom lip hard to keep from sobbing.

I wouldn't give that bastard the satisfaction of hearing me mourn over my friends that he killed.

The pain and anger that I felt was almost crippling. I had the urge to curl up in a ball and cry until I couldn't cry anymore and kill him all at the same time.

I hated him. God I hated him so much.

As I stared blankly ahead of me at the wall of the van, tears silently streaming down my cheeks, I knew that's what would keep me going. This all consuming hatred that was slowing taking over would keep me going until I killed him... or he killed me, whichever happened first.

Either way one of us wasn't going to make it out of this alive. I was certain of it, and if I had to die trying then so be it.


At some point I dozed off.

It felt like we had been driving for hours and eventually my exhaustion wouldn't let me keep my tired eyes open any longer.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep for but when I slowly pried my eyes open again I realized that the van was no longer moving.

I pressed my ear against the side of the van and tried to see if I could hear anything that would give me a clue as to where I was, but all I heard was complete and utter silence.

The door was suddenly thrown open and I almost tumbled out.

I quickly scooted back and away from the looming figure in front of me before I felt gloved hands roughly grab my ankles.

"And where do you think you're going?" Sheep Mask asked as he dragged me out of the van.

I could see that it was night now and my stomach dropped when I realized we literally looked to be in the middle of nowhere with nothing but trees surrounding us.

As soon as my feet touched the ground I didn't waste anytime and slammed my head back against his face.

I heard him curse loudly behind me before I sprinted forward with absolutely no clue as to where I was going.

I was able to take maybe six steps before I was tackled and landed face first into the dirt.

The air was completely knocked out of me but that didn't stop me. If he was going to kill me he was going to have to work for it.

"You little bitch! I think you broke my fucking nose!" Sheep Mask hissed in my ear as he put all of his weight down on my back.

"But if that's how you want to play then fine."

Hands were suddenly around my nose and mouth cutting off my air.

My eyes widened as I tried to throw him off my back with no luck.

With no options I did what anybody would do in my situation. I bit his finger.

Sheep Mask yelled out above me before his hands were quickly removed from my nose and mouth.

I barely had any time to breathe in before I was flipped onto my back and felt a stinging slap to my face.

"You just never learn do you? " Sheep Mask asked as he stared down at me with his hands now wrapped around my neck.

"That's alright. Before it's all over you'll learn your place and be a good little girl."

"Go to hell you sick bastard." I said through gritted teeth.

Sheep Mask gave a dark chuckle before I felt a sharp pinch in my right arm.

"Don't worry, you'll be there soon enough."

My vision slowly started becoming blurry as dots started to swim in the corner of my vision.

"W-what did you d-do to me?" My tongue suddenly felt heavy inside my mouth.

"I just gave you something that will make you a little more... Cooperative. "

My head was feeling too heavy now as well and I couldn't help as it simply rolled to the side.

I felt myself being lifted into Sheep Mask's arm and I couldn't do anything to try and fight it.

I tried opening my mouth to speak again but all that came out was a strangled moan.

My body started swaying as he began to walk.

"Don't worry sweetheart, it'll all be over soon."

That was the last thing I heard from Sheep Mask before I could keep my eyes open no longer and simply passed out.


Sheep Mask's P.O.V

I should've killed her.

God I should've killed her a long fucking time ago.

It was alright though. With her little shit head boyfriend and friends out of the way she was mine now.

All mine to do with as I pleased.

I slowly looked up and watched as my reflection smiled back at me in the dirty cracked mirror.

I tilted my head slightly to the side and gave a harsh laugh.

She did break my damn nose, but that was alright too because when I was finished with her she'd regret everything.

I'd make her beg for death after I was done with her.

I grabbed my mask from the edge of the old sink and placed it back on my face.

Now the fun could begin.

A Deadly Trip (Now Available on Amazon!) (Unedited Version)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara