Chapter Eleven

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"So, am I understanding this correctly?" Hermione asked, after Pansy and Harry told her how they found another Horcrux. "After discovering that Salazar Slytherin's locket turned out to be a Horcrux you just assumed that the other Horcruxes must also have something to do with the Hogwarts houses?"

"Yup," Harry said.

Hermione's eyebrows rose slightly. "And you decided to go with Ravenclaw next because...?"

"I just felt like it," Harry grinned.

"You felt like it," Hermione repeated in disbelief.

"Uh-uh," Harry hummed, oblivious to her shock.

Pansy leaned it to fake-whisper into Hermione's ear, "It's a Chosen One thing. He just feels like something is true and it turns out to be true!" She laughed out loud. "Can you imagine?"

Hermione frowned, "No, not really... And how did you figure out it was a diadem?"

Harry and Pansy once again exchanged a look that only the two of them found meaningful.

"Well, Blaise gave us an idea about that," Pansy said while checking her manicure carelessly.

"Wait, Zabini?" Hermione asked taken by surprise. "He was here?"

"Yup," Harry said.


"Like two weeks ago," Pansy said. "Duh, you were gone for a whole month, you didn't give us any messages, no news, no nothing, but we had to do something, so we just moved on with the plan. Good thing Blaise could help."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "So Zabini now also knows about the Horcruxes?"

"Yup," Harry said.

Apparently, they were telling everyone and anyone who was up to listen about the very hidden mission they were on, a secret that would destroy everything if it reached Voldemort's ears. And yet, she had doubted whether she was allowed to tell the High Reeve about the Horcruxes. She should've told him the first day – maybe by now, he would've come up with something.

"Okay, so how did Zabini know about the diadem?" she asked.

"He didn't. We told him our theories of what could it be and where could it be when he came here for the first time. He listened closely and then came back a few days later with this whole plan," Harry explained.

"Which was?"

"To talk to Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter," Pansy said.

Now it was Hermione's turn to look at them as if they were retarded. "Wow, that must've worked so well."

"It did because Rowena's daughter Helena is actually a ghost at Hogwarts," Harry assured her. "It was hard to convince her to tell me where the diadem is, though. Apparently, she had some sort of weird relationship with Tom when he was a student here, and he basically tricked her into giving away the diadem and made it into a Horcrux against her will. But Pansy," he gave his girlfriend a pointed look, "kept screaming and cursing and yelling at her to tell where the diadem was. Literally took a whole week until Helena was ready to talk to me again. That's when she told me."

Pansy snorted, "People just don't listen unless you threaten to kill them."

"Well, you can't threaten to kill a ghost, Pans," Harry said. "And see? I spoke civilly with her, and she gave me what I needed."

Pansy rolled her eyes.

"How did you destroy it?" Hermione asked.

"I did it with a Basilisk fang," Pansy answered. "Made me see and think a lot of horrible shit trying to survive, that one. But I've seen worse."

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