Part 4 Exceptional Application

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Zed's POV

"Okay, let me get this straight. The only way you can get in is as an exceptional student?" Eliza clarified.

I rubbed the back off my neck "Uh.."

Eliza sighed "Okay, hold on. Let me pull up your transcript."

She typed up my record and showed it to me. "Hey, check it out. I'm ranked third in our class for grade point average." I said proudly.

I looked at it and suddenly it changed "What? I'm ninth now? No, that... that's wrong." It continuously changed and I kept getting lower "I'm ranked 18th? Wait, okay, this doesn't make sense at all. All the grades ahead are...otherworldly.

Principal Lee ran over "Zed." she gestured to the Aliens "They did the entire course in 23 minutes. It only took them that long because they couldn't figure out how to work a pencil sharpener."

An alien figured out the sharpener and said "Look, the utensil is functional again."

"The aliens stole all my class rankings. And beat my athletic records." I looked at it again shocked "What? Hey!"

Coach ran over to me "Oowee, Zed, A-lan just obliterated your best times. He ran crop circles around you. Bench press records, blew yours away. High jump, he's a VFO. Very Identifiable Flying Object. He has six-pack abs"

"I can get to eight, Coach. Just give me time." A-lan said ambitiously.

Coach laughed "And the best part? The laws of gravity do not apply to them."

A-lya deactivated his Gravity and A-lan began to float "Whoa!"

"I'd be happy to dunk on you, Zed." A-lan challenged. Coach and Principal Lee both chuckled "That'd be fun to see."

"Well, there goes your chance. Now monsters will never get in." Eliza sighed.

A-lan smirked "Yes, being better than others is very enjoyable."

"Hey, aliens." I yelled getting their attention "You are ruining my chances to get into Mountain College."

"Oh! I do not like this conflict." A-lya told me anxiously.

A-li scoffed and whispered "Cannot wait to leave this discord."

"Yeah, okay, so then why don't you
just go back to your own planet?" I told them sternly.

They all froze and A-lyas eyes filled with tears as she explained "Because it was destroyed. We don't have a home."

She started crying and A-lan glared at me so I tried to make amends "Uh...I... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I really am.You know, as tough as things have been for zombies, we've always had Zombietown" I sighed "Is there anything I can do?"

A-spen asked "You would help us?"

A-li scoffed carelessly but once she got a look from the others she pulled out some alien tech "With our Luma Lenses, we probed all the minds of Seabrook."

"Mind probes? Why would you do that?" I asked.

The aliens pause and A-lya quickly said "To learn about cheer, obviously. Cheer."

A-lan agreed with his sister "Cheer, obviously. Cheer."

"Okay," I said unsurely "but what about people's privacy? I mean, you can't just scan people's..." I paused "Hey, what is that?"

"Oh, your biology teacher's brain scan." A-lan explained.

"Is that my test?" I studied it "A D-plus? That is... Ouch."

A-lan laughed "I could beat that easily." A-lya elbowed him.

"You were unfairly marked." A-lya said studying his test answers "Your answers correctly highlight the purpose of brains for zombies. Your teacher does not understand zombie culture."

A-lan corrected it "That's the grade you should have gotten."

"Yes!" I cheered "Just like that? Thank you."

"Mm-hmm. So there is something you can do for us." A-lan told me, he brought up an image to show me "This image appears in many scans. What is it?"

"That is the moonstone." I explained "It is the most precious thing in Seabrook. It's the life force for werewolves."

They all said simultaneously "Instrumomo."

I shook my head confused as I explained "But stay away from it, because the werewolves won't let any outsiders near the moonstone."

"Okay, well... Zed, we shall reward your help by improving your application." A-lan told him sincerely.

"It's not rocket science," A-li said before smirking "but knowing rocket science won't hurt."

My face contorted into a huge smile "What does that expression mean?" A-spen asked me.

I smiled "It means that the universe has sent me an intergalactic alien dream team to help get this zombie into college!"

"Yeah. Okay." A-lya cheered excitedly.

A-lya's POV

"This looks really good." Eliza said "How'd you get the application done so fast?"

Zed hugged me "I got friends in high places, what can I say?"

"This is huge. Zed, you did it." Eliza cheered.

"Oh, yeah. And all I have left is the home interview for Mountain College." Zed said proudly.

Eliza nodded before adding "Zombie-kind is depending on you."

Zed nodded nervously "Yeah, it's all on me."

He went to leave and I touched his hand "Hey, don't worry. You got this" I assured him. He smiled "Thanks" and walked away.

"A-lya, is that you?" I heard a voice ask. I turned around and saw Wyatt running over to me "Greetings Wyatt "

"So I heard you helped Zed with his application." Wyatt said.

"Yes our Alien technology is very useful" I told him showing Wyatt my Luma Lens.

"I wouldn't underestimate Wolf Tech." He said taking off his necklace and showing it to me. "Hey, I was thinking, um, maybe we could have like, like a, you know, study date or something"

I curiously touched his necklace. "Oops." he said. It burned so much that I quickly threw it back holding my hand in pain.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He asked me worriedly.

"Yeah pain, it hurts." I looked at the tiny necklace in awe "Nothing has ever broken through my force field before"

"It's like I said don't underestimate wolf tech" he joked.

I smiled "I won't make the same mistake twice. Also I would love to join you on a study date."

He smirked "Cool is after school good for you?"

I nodded "Yes it is"

"Cool meet me at the Ice cream shop" he said before putting his necklace on and waking away.

I smiled and felt that weird anomaly in my heart again as I said "Okay Goodbye"

Lies (Wyatt x Alien OC) Where stories live. Discover now