Part 7 Back on the Ship

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Alya's POV

A-spen spotted something on the cameras "Beware. Intruder."

We ran down the corridor and came across Addison and Zed "Addison? Mothership beamed you aboard?"

Addison and Zed nodded confused "Mm-hmm."

I smiled "We have no choice but to..."

"Vaporise you." A-li told Addsion aggressively.

"Welcome you." I corrected her.

"A-li." A-lan scolded her.

A-li smiled "Oh! Right. Welcome you. Sorry."

"This is Scout Commander..." the scout log said before crackling.

"You have a wonderful home." Addison said staring around in awe.

"I proudly report my mission..."

"It is a marvelous ship, but it is not our home." I explained to her.

"Our planet was destroyed by environmental blight built up over many years." A-lan told her and Zed.

"What?" Addison gasped "Over years? Didn't anyone try to stop it?"

We all shook our heads "No." I said "And we lost everything. No one spoke up."

"That would have led to disagreements. We value harmony." A-lan added.

"And we will remain one people
in harmony at any cost." A-li said hurt.

"You seem angry" Zed pointed out.

A-li let out an alarming chuckle and denied it "I'm not angry. I'm just in harmony in a super hostile way. I need to get off this planet."

A-spen sighed "We need your help. As you can see, they have mastered
the interactions of your species and feel you can both be trusted."

We showed them the scout log "Years ago, our scout crashed in Seabrook and hid a map to Utopia."

"A new home for aliens. We came here to find it." A-lan explained.

"Wait, I thought you said you were here for cheer." Addison said.

"That was a deception." I told her nervously "We were afraid you would not allow us to find the map since it's hidden in the most precious thing in Seabrook."

Zed realised "So that's why you kept asking about the moonstone."

A-spen nodded "Yes. But our scans came back negative. It's not there. What else is precious in Seabrook?"

"Well, cheer, mostly. But you can't hide coordinates in a routine." Addison told them.

Suddenly Zed's phone rang and he answered "Hello? Ok you alright man. Okay. It's for you A-lya"

I took the phone confused "Hello"

I heard Wyatts voice, he sounded annoyed "Meet me on the edge of the woods in 5 minutes. Come alone." Then the phone went dead.

I gulped nervously and handed him the phone back. The Scout Log began playing again "This is Scout Commander..."

"Do not touch." A-li instructed Zed "We're repairing the files of our scout's logs."

"With no success." A-spen added sarcastically.

"I mean, have you guys tried banging it?" Zed asked "It works whenever my old TV's on the fritz."

A-li chuckled mockingly "Banging? That's highly sensitive cosmic tech. You can't just bang it."

I shook my head and banged it "Ouch!"

"Oh." A-li said "That seems to have worked."

"Playing Scout's log."

"This is Scout Commander 15-09. I proudly report my mission is complete." The scout explained "For centuries, we have been without a home, but I found utopia. The perfect new planet for our people. I hid the coordinates in the most precious thing in Seabrook. You must find the most precious thing in Seabrook. Many decades ago, out of fuel my scout ship crashed on this planet. I would have died if not for a young humanoid, Eli. He hid me and nursed me to health. But with no ship to take me home, I was forced to hide my true identity."

Addison sighed sadly "I know how that feels."

The scout continued "I joined Eli in his school, and I discovered my passion: Cheerleading. I even created a trophy."

She gasped "The Seabrook Cup."

"But no longer in contact with our people, my hair grew white, and I lost my stardust powers. Though I gained something else. A family. Eli and I fell in love and married, and we named our firstborn A-Mishanta,
but we always called her Missy." The scout explained.

"That's my mom's name." Addison told us "Grandma?"

"The alien scout was your grandma!" Zed asked confused.

"My grandma. Grandma Angie was an alien? My mom's an alien?" Addison said hardly being able to believe it.

"You're part alien." I realised "That's why the ship beamed you up too."

"Zed, I know who I am!" Addsion cheered hugging him happily.

A-spen brought forward the scouts Luma Lens "We found this Luma Lens on the scout ship. It belonged to your grandmother."

I looked at Addison hopefully "Now do you possess our spark? Can you lift the Luma Lens?"

She scrunched her eyes and tried to lift it "Uh, I... I can't."

A-lan sighed "Our relationship with stardust defines us. Our technology would not work for you. You cannot share in our telepathy. Nor survive travel with us."

"No, no, this is who I am. This is where I belong. It all makes sense." Addison argued.

I hugged her sadly as A-spen hung her head "I'm sorry. You do not have our spark. You are not truly one of us."

She pushed me off her and sighed "Right. Yeah. Sorry."

Zed followed her sadly "Addison." The two of them left.

"I feel deep sorrow." A-spen said pityingly.

"Wait. The scout's trophy contains materials from our planet." I remembered "What could be more precious than an artifact from our home world?"

A-lan agreed "The map is there. We must win that trophy."

I looked at the time and I asked Mothership to beam me down to the outskirts of the Forrest.

Wyatt was waiting looking unimpressed. "Loose something" he asked holding up my bracelet.

"My bracelet!" I said.

He nodded "Yes right round the corner from the moonstone after someone had interfered with its force field"

I bowed my head disappointedly "Listen Wyatt-"

"No!" He yelled "I've had enough of this you don't get to invade earth and lie. You lied to everyone about why you're here."

"Well you lied too...when you first came to Seabrook." I pulled out my Luma Lens and showed him a memory "And you lied about us I saw it in the mind probe when Willa told you to try and get information out of me by pretending to be in love with me." I sighed angrily.

He looked at the ground guiltily and I felt bad "Listen I'm sorry I had no choice-"

Wyatt shook his head "No you always have a choice-" he tossed my bracelet on the floor by my feet and he walked away.

I sunk to the ground and picked up the bracelet crying. It felt like my heart was physically breaking into two pieces "Mothership beam me up please" I pleaded helplessly.

Lies (Wyatt x Alien OC) Where stories live. Discover now