028, Happily Ever After.

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Happy ever after was something only Sky-people refer to

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Happy ever after was something only Sky-people refer to.

It was usually said at the end of every fairytale that write.

But, it was something Imala wanted dearly.

After slowly recovering from her wounds, Imala realised how good she actually had her life despite the rough beginning of it.

And this was her happy ending.

Being surrounded by the people she cares about, and those who care for her.

And that included Neytiri — something Imala never dreamt of happening, was coming true.

Neytiri knew what it was like to lose someone to bullets, to Sky-people, and she didn't want that exact pain for her eldest.

"Spider, I don't need you to.. feed me!" Imala yelled, her headache only becoming worse.

Spider rolled his eyes, "Just trying to help."

"Well, you're making it worse," Despite all the great efforts of her friends, sometimes it was too overwhelming.

Neteyam understood Imala's distress and removed them all from their pod.

Including himself.

"No, Teyam, you stay," Imala said before he turned back around with a smile.

That, right there, made her feel better.

The curl of his lips, his teeth poking out and the puffiness of his cheeks.

Only he could make her feel better.

And Neteyam wanted nothing more than that.

He would toss and turn in his sleep, waiting til the slightest ray of sunshine so Neteyam could run to Imala's medic pod.

He would lay with her, stroking stray hairs and heating her cold body with his.

The thought of losing her, scared him.

The sight of Imala begging to stay alive, watching as blood pooled from her body, scared him.

"I would be nowhere else, sevin," Neteyam said before resting besides Imala.

He felt her snuggle into his side, head resting against his chest, whilst her fingertips trailed the stripes on his stomach.

"Does anything hurt? I can go get Ronal," Neteyam said once realising Imala's body was extremely tense.

Imala chuckled, "I am recovering from being shot, I am obviously in pain."

Neteyam signed before kissing her head and running his hands through her hair.

"I am sorry..." Neteyam soon whispered.

Imala looked up at him, confused.

"Why are you apologising? You didn't shoot me," Imala joked before peering up to meet Neteyam's whole face.

Neteyam cracked a smile but it was soon wiped once seeing the bandages covering Imala's stomach.

It felt as if he allowed this happen to her.

He should've been protecting her.

"Ma'Teyam..." Imala grabbed Neteyam's cheeks so he would look into her eyes.

She watched as water began to pool in his eyes, leaning forwards to kiss them away, "It isn't your fault, you know that, right?"

He didn't know that.

Neteyam would blame himself for all eternity if Imala did die.

"It is not your fault," Those were the words he needed to hear.

"I know," Neteyam soon replied.

Imala offered him a smile, in which he returned.

"I see you..." Imala said before pressing a gentle kiss to Neteyam's lips, he savoured the feeling before curling his arms around her waist.

Neteyam let her rest against him, "I see you."

This, was their happy ever after.

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