16 | Not of This World

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Yoongi met Taehyung for lunch at Katz's Deli

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Yoongi met Taehyung for lunch at Katz's Deli. Weeks had passed, and so he wanted to reach out to Taehyung concerning his work project.

"Hey, Boss, sorry I'm late," Taehyung said as he rushed to sit after taking off his jacket. "You said you ordered for us both right?"

"Yeah, I did. I ordered pastrami for you and a Rueben for me. We can share the potato latkes. You got an original cream soda there. And if I may, I'm noticing Jungkook has brought another first out of you," Yoongi said.

"And what's that?" Taehyung asked taking a swig of his drink.

"You're never late. Like never. To anything."

"Don't blame Jungkook. Blame Landon. This agent is relentless. I'm pulling like 12-hour days sometimes. He's a slave driver," he said taking a bite of his sandwich and pickle.

"I've heard that most models work long days but they get several off at a time. Hopefully you'll get to rest soon. How are you holding up, with dating Jungkook and your other pursuits?" Yoongi asked.

"Not holding up well, to be honest. Jungkook has been testy about my schedule."

"How does he feel about your rave reviews of your first photo shoot?"

"He loved the concept and the photos I think," Taehyung answered.

"I mean how does he feel about the women in the city wanting to come after you? You've gotten really popular."

"He says he's ok but he gets sulky when I talk about the model that I'm shooting with."

"Hmm, I understand his point of view. He has a hot stud for a semi- or unpaid personal and he now has competition."

"Jennie is no competition for Jungkook. A wonderful girl but there's nothing between us. No one is competition for him," Taehyung confirmed.

"So how did he take it when you gave him the money back?"

"He lost his shit and tried to put his cute little foot down. But I was having none of it. Not trying to flex but you know how I feel about breaking the law. I was having a hard time sleeping at night."

"I get it. I'm happy you got that off your conscience."

"I am also a bit worried about him. He's still receiving threats. The offender is getting closer to what they want. I believe they want to kill him. And it doesn't seem this person cares about jail. They have now started entering the Jeon Building, or having someone deliver to the building. And Yoongi, I want you to know that I will defend him with my life. I can't let anything happen to him."

"Just be careful Taehyung. You can't work for us, be a model, date Jungkook, and be a one-man show in taking down this person. Let the people hired for that do their jobs."

"Yeah, I hear ya." He took a bite of his sandwich.

"You love him don't you?" Yoongi asked as he finished his root beer.

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