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They arrived there at their Granny's on a Friday, right before lunchtime

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They arrived there at their Granny's on a Friday, right before lunchtime. It was summertime and this was the perfect time to visit the Hamptons.

Kyung Mi and Jungkook loved to visit their grandmother. She was funny, witty, and full of love.

They jumped out of their car and both ran up to her porch. She greeted them with open arms and kissed them both on the face like she always did.

As usual, she had lunch on the porch with freshly made lemonade. Their grandmother believed lemonade should only be made with lemons, sugar, and water. For years later, Jungkook couldn't order lemonade in restaurants because most were not made with fresh lemons. That was the first thing his grandmother ruined for him-store purchased lemonade.

On the table, on the huge porch, there were lobster rolls, fresh fruit, and an Angel food cake trifle. Jungkook remembered attacking the dessert first.

"Jungkook, eat your lobster roll first before that cake," his mom nagged.

"Binna said we could have dessert first," Jungkook whined while still stuffing his face with the trifle.

"Don't call your grandmother Binna. You call her Granny. I've told you two that it was disrespectful to call adults by their first name," Mrs. Jeon was already frustrated with their visit.

"Mom," she said talking to Binna, "you have to be the kids' grandmother, not their friend. They need to respect you," Jungkook's mother scolded her own mom.

"I'll leave all the respecting business to you. I want to have a relationship with my grands that is open and welcoming. I want them to know that they can come to me at any time and tell me anything," Binna responded.

Jungkook's mom rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen. Seojun came in and took their bags upstairs. He spoke to his mother-in-law and headed toward the kids' bedrooms to drop off their luggage.

Hwang Binna owned this Hamptons home as it was her deceased husband's property. She never married after that. Being married, having children, and being widowed at a young age was not what Binna had planned. When her husband died, she moved permanently to the Hampton home and sold all of her husband's businesses and property in the city.

Well, she sold all but his old school whore houses turned escort houses.

Binna would secretly keep them open. She also frequented them herself. Jungkook remembered that there was always a young "gardener" or "pool boy" around.

Jungkook spent the most time with Binna. From his grandmother, he learned to be strong, and decisive, and to not depend on a relationship. Binna said that women should never spend the night with a man unless they needed him to kill a snake in the middle of the night. That's what they were good for, other than sex. Killing snakes.  

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