red carnations

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"You brought a blanket!"

"Not for you," Levi scolds immediately before you can get the wrong idea. 

You beam at him anyways, like you don't believe him, and Levi pulls the blanket away from you to emphasize it. You're still grinning, which annoys him, but he already brought the damn thing out here, so he might as well use it. 

He waves the blanket out, trying to spread it, and sets it on the ground at least six feet from you. You smile at him and he glares at you as he lowers himself to the ground, crossing his legs.

"Wow," you say happily. "I'm impressed."

"Impressed that I'm conscious of all the damn insects that live in the grass?" Levi deadpans, crossing his arms. "Impressed that grass stains are a pain to get out? Impressed that I have a brain?"

"Impressed that you'd bring a blanket out just for me."

He huffs. "It's not for you."

You roll your eyes. "How's your cactus?"

"It exists."

"They do that, yes."

Levi resists the urge to return the eye roll. A breeze hits him, pushing his hair into his eyes, and he raises his hand to swipe his bangs out of his face. He looks over at you; you seem unbothered. 

In fact, you seem to enjoy the breeze. Your eyes flutter shut and you smile as the wind hits your face. Huh.

When you look over at him, he realizes that he's been staring. Levi looks away. "You're stupid," he says.

"Unprompted. Wow," you tease. 

Tease. You're teasing him? He doesn't know how he feels about that. "It's not unprompted," he retorts, frowning at you. "You're always stupid."


"Yes, always."

"I can't always be stupid."

"You can, and you are."

"Prove it."

"Literally laying in the middle of a fucking field of flowers surrounded by titan corpses."

"Not one of my brighter moments," you admit. 

You're leaning forward, letting your fingers brush through the grass. You're still smiling, but it's a bit sadder now, he thinks. Almost... wistful. 

He's been bothered about that- you, in that flower field- ever since he saw you in it. So he finally, finally, forces himself to ask, "why'd you do it?"

"Do what?" you ask, looking to him.

"Give up."

"I told you." You look away. "Nice place to die."

Levi wonders if anyone else in the history of the Survey Corps has bothered him this much. You're up there with Hange. "You don't seem suicidal."

You shrug. You're quiet for a minute, but you eventually get out, "everyone dies."

He's tempted to say duh. Levi bites his tongue.

"Everyone dies, especially being here." You gesture to the building and Levi gets what you mean- being in the Survey Corps. "But not everyone gets to pick the circumstances. How they die. So I figured wasting away in a flower field was a pretty good option."

Levi's eyebrows knit together. "Starving to death was your ideal death?"

"Didn't really think of that part. Just liked the idea of becoming one with nature."

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