pink camellias

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Happy Friday! <3


On the day you die, they pass a field of begonias.

Not that Levi knows what they are, of course. He doesn't know any of your stupid flowers. Only the cactus one, because that's the first one you got him- and the amaryllis, because those are your favorite. And the hydrangeas, because of the one time that you-

Alright, fine, he knows a few stupid flowers now. Useless bits of information floating around in his brain. You've infected him.

Maybe if he knew what begonias were, he would've taken it as a sign.

Maybe he should've studied your little book more. Would it have helped? Probably not. 

Maybe he should've known something was wrong when Erwin announced that this expedition would be exploring an uncharted area outside the walls- to the east. Most of their expedition is south; they've gone north before but found nothing but barren wastelands and hardly any titans. The south yields the best results.

But still, there's plenty left to be discovered out west and east, which is what the expedition was for today. And, all things considered, Levi doesn't think it goes that badly. 

At least, until they make it back within the walls, and you're nowhere to be found.

Lately, he's found himself seeking you out the second they return to headquarters. His eyes find you through the crowd of people, all guiding horses to the stables and stripping themselves of gear, and you always smile at him before you go back to what you're doing.

It happens every time. Levi's come to expect it.

So where are you?

He watches people mill around. Putting gear away, chattering quietly. The mood is somber, which normally indicates some casualties. He's used to that.

But you're never one of them. You're just... not. You're always here.


Levi stays in the gear shed, watching every single soldier put their gear away.

He's there for at least twenty minutes after the last soldier leaves.

Did he miss you? Were you one of the first ones in? Maybe you just got your gear off fast and you're already in the mess hall. Yes, maybe that's it.

So he heads to the mess hall. Busy and a bit dreary, but the atmosphere isn't pathetically dismal. 

You're not here either. Are you injured?

Levi heads to the infirmary. One nurse and two soldiers- one with a broken wrist, the other missing a foot- but neither of them are you. He heads by the common room where your plants reside; your flowers are there, but you aren't. 

He heads out the back door of the facility that gives him the quickest route to your spot by the trees. 

The door doesn't even get a chance to close before Levi's headed back inside.

You're not there either.


There's only one place that Levi has left to go. It takes him hours to get there.

Not because it's far. Erwin's office is less than a two minute walk from the furthest end of headquarters. But it takes him a while because he stands in the common room, glaring at your plants, for at least an hour or two.

Eventually, he bites the bullet. Mostly because the flowers are becoming too much. There's a lot of them, but the ones that seem to eat him alive are the purple chrysanthemums. Gorgeous, vibrant, purple flowers that make him sick to his stomach. They've since wilted, but you insist on keeping them up, saying that they're some of your favorites.

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