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You and the twins were out on patrol near Berserker island, it was to make sure Viggo and Ryker didn't try to attack Berserker island while both Heather and Dagur were off with Windshear and Sleuther to help the Dragon Riders stop the auction.

"Remember when Gustav came here? He was hilarious!" Tuffnut exclaimed

"Who?" You asked

"Some kid from Berk, tried becoming a dragon rider with his Monstrous Nightmare Fanghook. He's apart of the A Team, team Astrid." Ruffnut informed

"Sounds fun, you two must've had quite the time while I was off with Deathcutter." You smiled

"It would've been so much cooler with a Boneknapper on the team! They're awesome, the first time we saw one, it tried to kill us because Gobber was dumb enough to use its bone to hold up his pants. What a Muttonhead! You're much cooler than Hiccup, he's always trying to be the leader and it doesn't work too often." Tuffnut shrugged

Both still loved you despite you not coming back to them the first time you saw them, they still loved their older sibling who had disappeared ages ago.

It was quite reassuring to you.

Barf and Belch seemed to turn around quickly which caught the twins off guard, where were they going?

"Barf! Turn around!" Ruffnut exclaimed

Barf and Belch began to dive towards a different island, a different island that seemed to be quite sketchy.

The two continued to go despite the many protests from both Ruffnut and Tuffnut, you noticed that they were getting far from Berserker Island so you hopped off the dragon once they had landed to take a closer look at the place.

"Dragon cages, and traps." You stated

"Woah..." Tuffnut said

"Let's go!" Ruffnut grinned

Barf and Belch ran into the woods alongside both their riders so you did the same, Deathcutter would be there, right?


You looked at a large cage that held a Boneknapper, the same Boneknapper that you had trained when they were a juvenile.

"Deathcutter!" You whispered

Deathcutter lowered himself and you pat his head from inside the cage, Ruff and Tuff ran over to greet him happily along with Barf and Belch.

"These are my siblings, that's their dragon! Barf and Belch! I'm here to get you out. Look, I've got that bone you gave me!" You smiled

He raised his wings and his body to reveal the missing bone, Ruffnut and Tuffnut quickly got the cage open using a key left on the ground.

"Thanks." You grinned

"They're gonna be so jealous that they didn't get the first look at Deathcutter! Those muttonheads were too busy to come here and look where that got them!" Ruffnut laughed

Deathcutter looked at Barf and Belch before closing his eyes and nodding at the dragons, they roared at each other before intertwining their heads to watch.

Once the bone was in, Deathcutter let out an ear piercing shriek that got all the dragons attention. And the hunters too.

"Get them!" A hunter ordered

Deathcutter ran out of the cage and began to blast at the hunters while Barf used his gas to set a cover for his rider and Belch's rider.

"You two! Get out of here! Go straight back to Berk or The Edge to go get some help while me and Deathcutter keep them off your trail! Go!" You whispered

"We can't just leave you here!" Tuffnut protested

"Yeah! We're Thorstons!" Ruffnut said

"Since when did Thorsto- never mind. You have to leave me here! I've got Deathcutter, get some help! That's the best thing you can do for me right now, and your dragon! Two dragons being caught is worse than one!" You exclaimed

The twins looked at each other before looking back at you, Barf and Belch quickly took off with a kick of Ruffnut's boot so you got onto Deathcutter as he continued to ignite the place.

"Give me that!" Ryker shouted

Deathcutter began to climb the skies once finished starting the fire, you saw Ryker grabbing a bow with a dragon root arrow and you knew he had good aim when a target was moving in a straight line.

"Go! Faster!" You yelled

Deathcutter shrieked in pain when a Dragon root arrow managed to hit his leg that wasn't covered in bone, it was a hard shot but definitely not impossible.

"Haha!" Ryker laughed

Deathcutter began to plummet to the sea, or the land? It was hard to tell.

"You're doing amazing, buddy! Don't worry, I'll find us a way out of this!" You smiled

You pat him on the head, he opened his eyes and roared before flapping both wings and pushing the two of you into a cave that was on a sea-stack nearby so that he wouldn't continue to fall with you.

You fell on the rock and rolled off of his back, Deathcutter roared in pain as he continued to lay down on the ground.

After getting up you immediately ran to your dragon who was obviously in pain and in distress due to the Dragon Root arrow.

He looked at you before closing his eyes, you looked at the arrow and immediately pulled it out slowly so it wouldn't cause anymore pain or damage.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be perfectly fine. The twins are going out to find some help for us, it might take a while, but I'm here for you." You stated

Your dragon roared as you ripped out some cloth from your sleeve so that you were able to put pressure on the wound, you threw the arrow out of the cave and it would most likely end up falling into the ocean.

Would Ruffnut and Tuffnut even know where you went?

You shook your head to erase the thought before going back to your own dragon, after lifting up your helmet you immediately placed his head on your lap and held it so that it wouldn't be laying on the rock.

"I don't have any food or water which will be a problem. I can live without it, if I find a way to get it then you can have the first piece of it." You smiled 

Deathcutter roared softly and seemed to settle into you contently which meant he was happy, that was all that mattered.

Y/n Thorston (How To Train Your Dragon)Where stories live. Discover now